Battle Rating
jennabean was purchased at a local Pet Store
today was nice. quick and easy. we played softball in gym and to ym surprize i wasn't half bad. as a matter of fact, i really liked it. i kind of want to play softball on an organized team. i mean, i understand i wouldn't be the best and everyone else would probably think i was retarted, because they probably have been playing for a long time, but i think it would be fun. im still kind of afraid of the ball, but i have a glove. oh well, we'll see if im still interested when spring rolls around next year. other than that, yeah, pretty quick. you would walk into a class to find yourself walking right back out. im nervous about testing tommorow. i know i don't have to pass, but i really want to good. colleges are going to look at these. so, im going to study when i wake up from my nap. governments tommorow, and i think it's going to be a common sense test. i got a 100 on the midterm, and im horrible with government, so, i guess i do have some common sense.
it's dave last week of driving school and im excited, because now i can see him more often. we had a really good day sunday. he got his hair cut. it looks cute. i like his hair better curly, but it looks good either way. at least it's not like all shaved off :-O.
it feels like this week is going to by really quick, and i hope it does.
theres no more soccer, which is a total bummer. tuesday and thursday nights would put me in such a good mood, and give me something to look forward too. maybe we should have soccer practice anyways. everyone just meets at the field, and we could kick around the ball, have fun, and get some excercise. i don't know, i doubt anyone would go for it.
yeah, so im pretty much rambling now. so, im going to go practice some geometry for the test, and some government too.
good luck everyone. :D
ps. see if your fish can beat mine and leave it in a comment
psps. do you like the new colors and icon?
im so totally brighteyesxcore now, haha, just kidding.