(no subject)

Jul 09, 2004 14:50

First, the basics. Of course.
What's your name?: Angelo, Alexandra
How old are you?: Sixteen minus a year
When's your birthday?: November 21st
Where do you live?: Berkeley Heights
Are you a guy or a gal?: *Looks down* ...girl.
Your looks
What color is your hair naturally?: Naturally? Light brown
Is it dyed right now?: Yes maam
What color are your eyes?: Hazel
Do you where contacts or glasses?: Negatory
If you where contacts, do you where colored ones?: .......
How long is your hair?: Too long..almost to my shoulders..I need a haircut badly.
How do you usually where it?: Up or down..ha
How tall are you?: Five foot
How much do you weigh?: More or less than you
What size shoes do you where?: 8 and a half I think
What style clothes do you usually where?: I dunno, whatever I like. My style is fuckkked up
What are you wearing right now?: Plaid pajama pants that camping ruined and a Coal Chamber shirt...?..
What jewelery do you where regularly?: Whatever is pierced and my name bracelet sometimes 
Have any piercings?: Yes
Tattoos?: No sir
Are your nails painted?: Nope
Would you or have you ever
Dive into a pool of jello?: Where would one find so much jello ? 
Get a tatoo?: Maybe. I've been thinking about it 
Try and get on Fear Factor?: No. That show is pathetic.
Try and get on some other reality show?: Probably not. Unless game shows count<333
Pierce your tongue?: I had a dream that my tongue was pierced and the jewelry kept falling out. It was weird. 
Go bungee jumping?:  Suree
Parasailing?: Sure..
Sky diving?: I'd probably be scared shitless but I love that feeling, man 
Scuba diving?: Aha I dunno..I hate animals.. 
Ask someone out?: Yeah, if I pretty much knew that the answer was yes
Fly an airplane?: If I had such capabilities
Fly in a hot air balloon?: Now why in the hell would I do that?
Try and get in the Olympics?: If I was good enough, hell yeah. That would be awesome 
Eat a bug?:  Ehh probably not
Your favorite things
Color?: Red of course
Animal?: I dunno..men
Pass time?: Music..
Sport to watch?: Oh man. I could watch any of them. Football and lacrosse are probably my favorite though 
Sport to play?: Lacrosse
Food?: I'm going with Neuf and saying Italian bread
Ice cream?: Chocolate
Time of day?: 3 in the morning
Day of the week?: Saturday
Time of the year? Fall weather
Memory?: Too many to write down
Place to be?: New York or my room
Person to be with?: Everyone. With the exception of two
Room in the house?: My room 
Article of clothing?: T-shirtssssss
Accessory?: Definitely belts
Name?: Dylan & Lillian
State?: Jersey of course 
Country?: I haven't been to enough to make that judgement
Kind of weather?: San Francisco weather<3
Word Association
Mike:: Gangsta
Mic:: Moshpit
Arson:: ...ick
Cool:: Dude
Gift:: Christmas
Lame:: Lying
Nose:: Boogers
Time:: Date
Girl:: Child
Money:: Blue
Calendar:: James Dean
Guy:: Love
Name:: Alex
Grape:: Fruit
Friend:: Now and Then..?..
Horse:: Gymnastics
Job:: Blow
Fun:: Friends
Friend::Asked this already, mate 
Icon:: VH1
Hunger:: Strike..?...
Ring:: FRODO
Wood:: Pecker
Flower:: Jenny
Trophy:: Basketball
Bloom:: Jake
Fan:: Wind
Grow:: Not me
Leaf:: Tree
Pen:: Letter
Save:: Disk
Book: The Catcher in the Rye
summer:: Nights<3
Nail:: Hammer
Paint:: Toes
Green:: Kermit
Key:: Door
Question:: Answer
Annoyance:: Girls
Chat:: Room
Journal:: Private
Weather:: Rain
With:: Out
Want:: Guy
Need:: Food
Cody:: TV
Fence:: Danielle
Floor:: Sweep
Stone:: ed
Swing:: Woodruff
Bench:: Press
Human: Robot
What are you doing right now?: Listening to Konstantine and talking to people
I'm hungry. Are you?: YES
What are you listening too?: Konstantine - Something Corporate
How many people are you talking to on IM?: One
Are you singing or talking or anything like that?: Nope
Who do you miss?: Nobody. Maybe Dave..I haven't talked to him in a while..
Who did you get your last email from?: LJ
Who do you wish would write?: WTF mate
Learned anything new lately?: Oh yes
What's the last thing you ate?: Teddy Grahams
Got any hobbies?: I dunno, I guess so
How long has it been since you've done something creative?: Dunno.
When's the last time you went outside?: Last night
Who's the last person you hit?: I dunno..
Who's house where you at last?: Hmm..probably Nicoles
Who's house did you last spend the night at?: I think the last time I slept at someone elses house was the camping night
What's on your mind right now?: Don't ask
When's the last time you were really angry?: Yesterday
When's the last time you got royally emberassed?: Never really
Who do you wish you were with right now?: Yeah, everyone knows. God dammit. 
Got any plans for the weekend?: Going down the shore. How about you?
Are you getting tired of this yet?: Not really. I don't have anything else to do
Will you be my friend?: Maybe
When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do?: Sometimes
This or That
Green or blue?: Green
Red or purple?: Reddddd
Hot or cold?: Hot
Pizza or lasgna?: Pizza
Bread or ice cream?: Bread
Cake or pie?: Cake
Tofu or chicken?: Chicken
Ugly or fat?: Ugly
Camera or camcorder?: Camera<3
IM or in person?: In person
Phone or computer?: Computer
Movie or TV?: Movie unless it's Seinfeld
Alone or over crowded?: Alone
Music or silence?: Music
Walk or run?: Walk
Bike or rollerblades?: Bike
Ring or bracelet?: Ring
Taken or single?: I dunno.
Guys or gals?: BOYS
Dark or light?: Dark
Bright or subdued?: Bright
Cheerful or cranky?: Depends
Smile or grin?: Grin
Pen or pencil?: Pencil
Paper or plastic?: haha Paper
Tiger or cheetah?: Tiger
Dolphin or shark?: Shark
Catsup or Ketchup?: NEITHER!
Mayonnaise or miracle whip?: Mircale whip
Pirates of the Carribean or Lord ofthe Rings?: POTC definitely
Knife or scizzors?: Knife
Pants or shorts?: Pants
Windy or calm?: Calm
Flower or weed?: Flowers
Half empty or half full?: In the middle
Cordless or cell?: Cell
House or home?: Home
Karate or kick boxing?: Kick boxing
About your friends
Who's the nicest?: Chelsea
The cutest?: Ha I don't know
The tallest?: Hhhaaaalllllll
The shortest?: Hm, Jenny probably
Who's the meanest?: None of them really
Do you have a crush on one of them?: Nope
Who's most likely to end up in jail?: Haha hmm Jenny
Who's most likely to become all the want to be?: Nicole
Who's the smartest?: Nicole
The loudest?: Chelsea for the most part or Jenny
The quietest?: Hmmm Chelsea can be
The nosiest?: Nicole ahha
The most obnoxious?: Gretch<3
Who can you relate to best?: Nicole
Who knows you the best?: I dunno.
Who have you known the longest?: Julie
How 'bout the shortest?: Jenny or Nicole technically
Who do you see most often?: Nicole or Jenny
Who makes you laugh the most?: Everyone lol
Who makes you cry the most?: Nooooobody
Who's the strongest?: Don't know that one
The weakest?: Dunno..
The most creative?: Julie
The shyest?: Chelsea
Most outgoing?: Most of them are actually
Most colorful?: COlorful? What the hell
Most stylish?: Haha  
Most likely to become a model?: Uhhhh..
Most likely to end up pierced many times over?: Jenny if anyone 
Most likely to hurt themselves accidently?: Jenny or Chelsea
Most likely to try a citizens arrest?: Hah any of them as a joke
Who sings the most?: Nicole
Who has the best singing voice?: Nicole
Best talking voice?: I dunno
Who wears the most jewelry?: None of them really do
Who whistles the most?: Hal
Who's house do you spend the most time at?: Nicoles if anyones
Thought provokers
Is abortion wrong? Give the reason for your answer.: Yes, it's always wrong but the situation is tough..I can see why people do it.
What about euthenasia?: If it's been over like ten years and they're barely living then pull the plug.
What are your thoughts on the war in Iraq?: Fuck it. I don't think we need to be there.
I just got a letter from President Bush! ( I know, that didn't fit): Okay..
Is there life on other planets?: Most likely
How did we get here?: I can't figure that one out
Creation or the Big Bang or something else?: Big Bang makes the most sense
Is sex before marraige wrong?: Not at all
Is it wrong to be gay?: Hell no it isn't
How old should children be when they start school?: Uh, four or five 
Is the Bible true?: I haven't read it. But I know stories from it and I don't believe them.
Did Jesus really come to earth and die for our sins?: No. I really don't believe there was a Jesus that made miracles happen and died for our sins. I think it's a made up figure 
If you could do absoulutley anything, what would you do?: I'm gonna go with Neuf on this and say have sex and not have anything happen that's bad
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?: Pay for college
Jesus loves you.: No he doesn't
Why are we here?: Why not? 
More random randimosity
What color is the sky?: Blue most of the time
Why?: Something with the color spectrum and light. I don't remember.
Is color real or just an illusion?: Both
Do you think I could have the president for a pen pal?: If you wanted to
What's behind you?: the rest of my room
Who's in the room with you?: Nobody
What can you hear right now?: The Beatles.
Without turning your head, what can you see?: The computer,  my desk, my door, the wall..
What are your emotional fears?: Loneliness and depression
What are your physical fears?: Mannequins.
What brings you joy?: Laughter
Do you have any addictions?: Not that I know of.
Any obsessions?: Slighty.
What's on your bedroom walls?: Posters..Magazine clippings..
Do you have any stuffed animals?: A few
I forgot this one - what's your favorite movie?:  WE've been through this a million times.
How many people are in your family?: 4
Got any people you call siblings, but aren't related?: Yeah, Gretch  
Who's the last person you hugged?: No idea
I'm still hungry, are you?: Not anymore
What's something you're waiting for?: This survey to end
Do you like to take pictures?: Yes!
Collect anything?: Cds I guess
What can you see out the nearest window?: Nothing..there's blinds covering them
What's your least favorite chore?: Cleaning my room 
What do you dread?: Waking up at 6 in the morning for school.
What are you looking forward too?: The rest of the summer
Do you like your handwriting?: Yeah, it's pretty rad
How fast do you type?: I don't know..
What color are your socks?: White
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?: Cons
How long has it been since you've worn real tennis shoes?: Haha I don't think I ever wore real tennis shoes.. 
Do you want a pair of converse all stars?: No..I have them.
What color?: Well, if I had to get another pair I'd get dark blue or red.
What was the last commercial you saw?: I dunno. I wish it was that Starbucks one with Roy though
What was the last movie you watched?: Secret Window 
What was the last movie you watched in theaters?: Spider Man 2<3 
What was the last movie you saw that you'd never seen?: Secret Window..
This is almost over! Happy?: Indeed
What are you gonna do when you're finally FINISHED?: Watch American Beauty probably.
Are you smart?: I'd like to think so to some extent
Is your room a mess or clean or in between?: Right now it's a mess
Do you like cheese?: Not really
I like peanut butter on cheese. Am I weird?: Not really.  
Quick! Start singing!: NO
What's the weather like?: Seems sunny
When's the last time you flew?: November last year
Do you LIKE to fly?: It's not so bad. Life insurance pays triple if you die on a business trip.
This is over.: rad.
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