Feb 02, 2010 09:43

Open to the creeper crew and the rescue brigade!

Let's not worry about turn order and do it a bit like an event post, with multiple threads, guys, so we can get this done.

Also, I lied. It's not backdated.

kuroro lucifer, stein, kidnapped!, rl, birkin, devit, kill me now, akatsuki chika, jasdero, adachi, krauser

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Comments 103

Shito's Thread tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 17:43:47 UTC
Shito was curled up in a small cell in the basement of the complex. Stein had given him a couple of blankets before shoving him in and locking the door, but the cells were made for mindless, infected creatures, not boy princes who happened to be undead. There were old blood stains on the walls and the floor, and if Shito had been more susceptible to the cold he would have been shivering.

He waited miserably, wondering if anyone would be able to find him, or care enough to bother. His hand had fallen off hours before, and he kept it tucked in close to his body, hidden in the blankets so the bastard scientists wouldn't notice the phenomenon. So Akatsuki might care, but would he be able to figure out where he was?

And if he did, would he just wind up in the cell next door? He couldn't fight these people without Shito's hand.


/invaaaades visestvita February 2 2010, 20:20:49 UTC
Wesker was less than impressed by recent events. Apparently he only had to turn his back and Birkin would have brought someone or something else to the island. And now, because of their latest guess, the place was being overrun.


Figuring that no doubt the intruders would be in search of that zombie Birkin was so interested in, and mildly curious himself, Wesker decided to kill two birds with one stone and gone down to the basement. He headed straight for Shito's cell and drew up beside it, looking in idly.

"Far more trouble than you're worth, I think," Wesker said coolly.


Oh noes! tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 20:30:24 UTC
Shito heard the voice and looked up, eyeing the man with utter loathing and defiance in his red eyes. Despite the blanket wrapped around him, his chest was visible, along with the ugly stitched Y-shaped cut as if he'd been through an autopsy.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his own voice equally cold, with more than a tinge of anger.


visestvita February 2 2010, 20:57:20 UTC
Wesker had seen that look so many times before, in the eyes of so many people. He'd gotten very good at ignoring it. He removed his sunglasses, folding them and putting them away carefully. It was already dim enough without the extra shade.

"Albert Wesker." He looked more closely. "I'm fairly certain we've spoken at least once before though I'll forgive you if you don't remember. It might have been quite a while ago."


tiedbydestiny February 2 2010, 17:52:04 UTC
Chika was Pissed Off.

Actually, that was putting it mildly. These creeptastic assholes had kidnapped his partner, made him spend days watching his hand rot off, and doing gods knew what to Shito. They were also directly responsible for his two humiliating encounters with that bastard Toho.

Someone was going to pay, and Chika was going to enjoy taking it out of their hides.

"Let's go," he growled to his companions.

((And I'll be gone all day at work, so feel free to say they get separated from Chika in short order. I want him to be the first one to find Shito anyway, lol.))


nevergiveitback February 2 2010, 18:04:16 UTC
Kuroro wasn't entirely sure about letting Chika come. Not that he gave a shit if he lived or died in the long run, but, he did like the guy. If he did die, things would be less interesting. But he'd already worked out a plan or two for this whole thing.

"Alright-just remember you're not fighting this time around. And if you get into trouble, call for me. You know my hearing is good."
With his usual flair, he tore a hole open in space one handedly, the other holding his book, which he was currently keeping invisible. Once everyone was through, he snapped the hole close-he'd picked a central location of the island facility. He could have gone straight to Shito, but no one else knew that, and he had plots to enact.
"I'm going after Birkin first. I can do quiet-Can you two do loud?"
He shot a glance to the two Noah. He didn't know them well, but he did know they weren't exactly as refined as him.


halfthetroubl February 2 2010, 20:03:06 UTC
"Loud?" Devit snorted and looked at Kuroro like the guy was stupid. "Of course we can do loud. We can do whatever we want!"

As always, he had his revolver in hand and ready, holding it skyward as he glanced around the facility. He wasn't sure who or what they were expected to run into, but there was no doubt in his mind that he and Jasdero could take whatever came their way. He was almost looking forward to it, even! It'd been way too long since they'd kicked some ass.


nevergiveitback February 2 2010, 20:47:47 UTC
"Then as long as whatever you want involves a lot of wanton destruction, I'm leaving things in your hands here."
And with that, Kuroro kicked off the ground with incredible speed, only being a blur. He was actually conserving some speed for now. Going faster than sound inside of a building with corridors and sharp turns was generally a bad idea. Now, if he was Birkin, where would he be... He extended his spiritual energy outwards from his body in a slowly widening sphere, picking up any life it could and-

Ping! That was a strong one. That was either Stein, Krauser, or Wesker. He had no idea how strong any of them were, so he couldn't tell. He couldn't pick up Shito, which meant that no matter who they were, they couldn't be near him. Not that Kuroro was aware, but that ruled out Wesker, but either way, he was faced with a choice. Dive in and use them as a stepping stone to Birkin, or avoid them completely. If it was Stein, then he'd notice Kuroro's En net...So he simply stopped, and tried to judge if the one in his range would react.


demondoctor February 2 2010, 17:58:18 UTC
Stein sat in his lab on the basement level, smoking a cigarette as he analyzed the blood sample he'd taken from Shito earlier that day. There was something odd about it, something nagging at him.

If only he could figure out what...

Even in his concentration he was still attuned to the movements of the others in the building. Everything seemed as it should be, or wait-- too many souls!

His head came up and he abandoned the half-completed experiment, grabbing his scythe from where it leaned against the wall, and hurrying out of the room. He had to head them off before they could steal his precious test subject.


tiedbydestiny February 3 2010, 16:53:22 UTC
Chika was cursing to himself as he ran down the hall, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that might attack him or try to stop him. Those two freaks had gotten caught up in a fight and he'd been separated from them, and Kuroro was gods knew where. Chika was on his own now, with only the bat tied to his useless hand for protection.

If he could just find Shito and switch hands with him, he'd have a fighting chance - pun intended.


demondoctor February 3 2010, 17:00:31 UTC
Unfortunately, Stein was looking for Chika. You see, he'd already gotten the boy's number, by looking for the other half of the soul that he'd seen grafted to Shito's soul.

As Chika rounded a corner on the laboratory level, Stein was waiting for him, scythe in hand and a cigarette clamped between his lips, a wide and mad grin on his lips.

"Hello," he said, his glasses flashing. "You must be Shito's friend. I thought you'd come."


tiedbydestiny February 4 2010, 05:43:44 UTC
Crap, crap, crap. Damn it, this was not what he needed right now. "I'm not his friend," Chika snarled, tugging at the bandage holding the bat to his hand to make sure it wouldn't come off when he swung. Of course, that scythe was going to make short work of the wimpy bat if he wasn't careful. "Where the hell is he, asshole? What've you done with him?"


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