Soooo I promised pictures from my trip out to here you go. Also.. got another tattoo this past monday, so it is as welll behind the cut.
Flying out of KC, tons of clouds since it was SNOWING when i left. yes, snowing.
Now in Oregon, i think that's Mt. Hood we're passing by.
On the max, portland's light rail system traveling to the market.
I liked what the side of the light rail car said...
In the midst of the market, tons of artist's crafts and such. and REALLY good greek food. yum.
Passing by PGE park while riding the max, where their minor league baseball team plays I believe. anddd, i just like this picture.
We decided to stop by the zoo on the way home...which this picture obviously conveys. i dunno, the two creatures behind the log just looked awesome. AND like my cats. = ]
a neat mosaic type thing of the life of a fish....
cool lookin monkey. I got a picture of its tongue hanging out too...but that one was kinda blurry. boo
I guess I like weird looking animals...haha
My parents cat, Liam. REALLY orange.
Anyone who knows Emma loves her. Sorry, NOT loving her is not an option.
One thing I love about Oregon's coast is how the woods come right up to the beach. sweet.
The dock in Astoria, Oregon. If you look really hard you can see a ship coming through the river in background. and yes, that is a river heading out to the ocean. crazyyy.
I just saw this while riding in the car with my parents...."Free DVD rental with purchase of a hand." What the hell?
Ta-da. It's a WWII style bomb.
and me hammin it up. minus the nasty ham.