Hey, look! waste of time stuff!!

Jul 21, 2010 16:58

Stolen from fishspots
1. Go to Google (or Yahoo) and type, "You know you're from (your location) when..."
2. Cut and paste the list.
3. Bold the items that apply to you.

You Know You're From Saskatchewan When...

Losing sight of the horizon, for even a few seconds, leaves you with an 'icky' feeling of disorientation for the rest of the day.

You're confused when cars come equipped with options that would never be needed, such as curb feelers and turn signals and yet, obvious options like trailer hitches and air conditioning, are extras.

You actually understand, and perhaps can describe in detail, the necessity for geographical correction lines.

You rent off-season storage space for your snowmobile on a week-by-week basis.

You sort your laundry into three loads: greens; whites; and green & whites.RIDER PRIDE!

Your other vehicle is a Massey.

You've required a total of 40 stitches over the years for various lacerations suffered while doing the butterfly at wedding dances.

Every birthday you receive exactly the present you most desperately need:
a new curling broom. I wish, Curling is awesome

You can't understand why those American television networks never settle on a schedule, instead of shifting all their programs back and forth an hour every spring and fall.

While cleaning out your teenage son's closet, you're alarmed to discover tucked away in the back a foot-high stack of old "Western Producers".

You're on a first-name basis with the clerks at the Payless Shoe store in Minot.

You always know Christmas is near because stores stay open late TWO nights a week rather than one.Guys there is a 24hour Wal-Mart during Christmas season!

You question why they didn't call them the Cypress Mountains.

You catch yourself "getting down" to the radio jingles for post-emergent broad-leaf weed control.

You actually have enough ball caps to match every shirt you own, although you still insist on wearing only one so the others don't get dirty.

You overhear someone explain how he installed a counter binder on his combine's pulley-driven wheat flattener with a square head hydrostatic coupler, using a universal bushing degreaser, and you can't believe he left only 5 inches of clearance between the kernel rotor and the straw-feed regulator -
the idiot!. Kinda makes sense, though I've never had this particular conversation.

You understand, and become quite emotional, when some outsider doesn't know the difference between a farmer and a rancher.

When the bank teller asks for some form of identification, you point to the arm patch on your slow-pitch jacket.

You were never afraid of heights until the day you made the mistake of peering down an open well.

Your pronunciation of "Saskatchewan" is down to 1 syllable: Skatchw'n."

Once every 23 years you perform strange ritualistic dances in public places
(Riders win Grey Cup).

Your idea of a traffic jam is waiting to get onto Highway 2 at the Turbo

"Vacation" means "back to school" shopping in Moose Jaw, and if you're lucky, Saskatoon

You've seen all the biggest bands ten years after they were popular, like Trooper

You measure distance in hours, like 2.5 hours to P.A. and you measure time in beers, like, we've only been here for two beers.

South to you means Regina, not Florida

Winnipeg is "back east"

Everyone you know has hit either deer, elk, moose or cattle

Your school cancels classes because of cold, but only when it was -40 or colder, and the School's boiler ran out of coal There will actually be classes, just the busses won't run.

You know someone who has died right after saying " Hold my beer and watch this"

You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day

You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it,
no matter what time of the year

All the festivals across the province are named after fruits, vegetables,
grains or testicles

You've stopped by the local bar to cash a check

Your emergency road kit consist of jumper cables and a bottle of rye

You know what "Cow Tipping", "Garden Raiding" and "Snipe Hunting" are

You only own 4 spices: salt, pepper, ketchup and cheese whiz Actually I'm Down to just Ketchup.

You know someone who's lost their license due to an impaired driving
charge and have seen their snowmobile parked at the local bar'cept change that to Quad. it is Summer after all.

You've gone to a grocery store on a snowmobile

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow

You think sexy winter lingerie is a flannel nightie and tube socks

Driving in the winter is often simply a matter of staying between the fence posts

The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page 
but requires 6 pages for Wolverines hockey

Your radio antenna is an old clothes hanger or piece of baling wire

You find -20 degrees "a little chilly" -17 is perfect

You know all 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Construction

You know what a Prairie Oyster is and have a recipe for them

Not only have you actually had to warn someone not to stick their tongue on a metal fence in the winter, but you've then had to pour hot water all him to get the stupid bugger off

You know someone who's shot themselves accidentally

this is me, meme, nothingness

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