It's easier to put all this in a single post for future reference:
If I have left a comment on your post but your name doesn't appear here, let me know and I will rectify the omission. Things get a little confused when I'm downloading graphics and if I have left you off the list, I assure you that it is entirely accidental. I would like to promote the people whose graphics I use, and I can't do that if you don't let me know of my omission!
creamutspixelfunwallpaperwhoresru_wallpapersrhythmiquepixelfunlovefrance_wonderland__ruushkiforbiddenstormlostaddictmagicaliconsgypsymc813distressedinkspiritcoda herekiho_chanstripped_s0cksaaskiewizziconsradon_luthien_blacksugarplumkittenjustmiiconitewelt-herrschaftsodamnrecklesssensi_incanto - downloaded from
Bi-extacyBound By LeatherDiscobombPspagiAzurylipfesStockkissncontrolSanami276 Striped Wall - a Screencap Collective
Stargate: Atlantis HR Screen CapturesAtlantis Screencaps Sanctuary Screencaps
Hollywood Fanatic /
arianeSwanees Place /