Merlin -- Inadequacies

Apr 12, 2010 23:36

Title: Inadequacies
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: girl!Arthur/girl!Merlin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 205
Warnings: does genderswitch need a warning in this corrupted day and age?
Summary: A first impression, revised.
Author's Note: Written at a challenge from eltea eons ago and posted for jenwryn now. It's like magic!

The blonde tossed her hair over her shoulder, beamed at the drooling knights monitoring her safety, and flung another knife at the target.

It hit, the scrawny boy behind it ducked, and she giggled delicately, a slender hand raised demurely to her plump mouth.

Merlin felt profoundly outraged.

And profoundly inadequate. That girl’s… well. She was. Awfully pretty. And stuff.

Merlin stormed forward, fisting her hands in her skirt, and got the blonde’s attention with an angry “Hey!”

The girl looked up, blinking bright blue eyes in utterly unconvincing false innocence.

“Who in seven hells are you?” she inquired cheerfully.

“Who are you?” Merlin demanded. “Treating someone like-” She grabbed the target away from the cowering servant boy, who was not looking her in the eyes.

The blonde’s exquisite face darkened, and she strode forward, seething, and reached out a slim white hand.

Merlin shied away-but not before the blonde snatched her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back, yanking them together close enough for Merlin to feel her assailant’s… prettinesses… pressed against her back.

“You’re a bint,” Merlin hissed, “is what you-ahh-”

She sensed rather than saw the blonde’s wolfish grin by her ear. “I,” she announced, “am your worst nightmare.”

[fandom] merlin, [genre] humor, [length] 500 or less, [year] 2009, [pairing - merlin] g!arthur/g!merlin, [rating] pg, [character - merlin] arthur, [character - merlin] merlin, [genre] general

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