Title: When in Wales
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Word Count: 222
Warnings: sketchhhh
Summary: Jack and Ianto celebrate a Welsh holiday.
Author's Note: This was one of the pieces written for
powdered_opium as part of the
pulped_fictions gift exchange. ^^
There is a characteristically long, meaningful pause as Jack clambers up out of his hatch into the proper Hub. Also characteristically, Ianto is the only one who could be arsed to get here so early.
But that’s all right. Jack’s here-with bells on. Or, more specifically…
“You’ve got something on your head, sir,” Ianto says, voice completely neutral, as he gathers up some of the crumpled napkins that always materialize on Owen’s desk overnight.
“It’s to celebrate the capitalistic perversion of a little-known Christian holiday,” Jack explains, trying not to grin and ruin the fun.
“Never heard of it,” Ianto says. “We have a Welsh winter holiday, though; perhaps it’s similar.”
Jack finds a stray coffee mug, steps forward, carefully balances it on Ianto’s tray, and doesn’t step back again. “Yeah?”
“It has a Welsh name,” Ianto says calmly. “So it’s forty characters long, including eight Ws and one apostrophe.”
“Very Welsh,” Jack agrees.
Ianto nods and rearranges a few items on the tray. “The rough translation is ‘Get Seduced by Your Boss First Thing in the Morning Whilst He’s Wearing a Silly Hat Day.’”
Jack’s mouth wobbles into a helpless smile despite of his best efforts to keep it in a disinterested line. Ianto always wins this game.
“Wait ’til you see what I’ve got on underneath,” Jack says.