Moar posts

Jun 01, 2010 18:11

After how long of nothing, now two posts in one day? Madness, madness!

Anywho, sort of follow up to this snip. Though there's a pretty large gap in the action where she goes back to camp and finds everyone who hadn't been on the raiding party dead/dying and whatnot.

Jinian squinted as her eyes watered despite goggles that should have kept out the dust. Fortunately the wind wasn't strong enough to drive the dust through the scarf over her nose and mouth - yet. She shifted the pack and rifle on her back to ease the ache in her shoulders and peered down the hillside at the city sprawled along a sluggish stretch of the Tadrieth River. Shartha would be a good place to disappear for as long as it took for the bounty on her head to expire. The pirate-city was teeming with cut-throats and mercenaries, one more would hardly be noticed.

Despite her certainty of going unnoticed she'd decided to take the slower path over the hills rather than the roads. The smugglers probably weren't looking for her specifically, but if one of her band had really betrayed his own, it was better not to chance it. Not to mention the rifle she carried would be a dead give away of her relation to the bandit troupe. She should have gotten rid of it, but Jin couldn't bring herself to leave it lying in the dust. At the very least it could get her a few gold coins in pawn.

She swore as the wind staggered her, buffeting so strongly that she leaned against it, only to suddenly shift direction.

Another short one, oh well.

writing, seelen, snippets

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