Mar 09, 2010 04:43
Hello there. this is my first FAnfic attempt. its a bit stupid I guess. I am really tired. I hope I didnt make so much mistakes. I hope you'll like it. my english is not very good. I never wrote anything in english. Please forgive my mistakes and feel free to correct me.
This story is about kanjani8 pulling prank on Ryo.
Aprils Fool
All kanjani8 members, escept ryo, was sitting in their dressing room of Tokyo Dome. It was april 1. They had a special concert that night, for some anniversary thing; but they were interested on another subject.
“ basically I want revenge.” Yoko continued. “ We will make a fool of Dokkun infront of everyone.”
“Thats cruel!” said Yassu.
“Yeah, Yassu’s right.” Agreed Hina.
“Common.” Said Subaru. “We all want revenge right?”
“For what?” Ohkura sat on the chair next to Maru.
“Hey, Tacchan! I asked for a water too! Why did you get one for yourself only?”
“Hey heyi Hina don’t change the subject.”
“Don’t change man!” said Subaru before turning to Yoko again. “Waht do you have on your mind?”
While yoko started to grin Ohkura pouted. “No one’s gonna explain why we want revenge?”
“Are you dumb?” Maru smacked his head.
“We want revenge because...” explained Subaru “... Lately Ryo’s behaving differently towards eito.”
“Yeah...” continued Yoko. “Like we are a sick joke or something. Remember theese past months incidents...”
“Oh.” Yassu interupted. “Like he was cheering on with News and was completly out of it with us in the same show?
“Thats not it Yassu. Thats a tiny detail only.”
“Try to remember Shounen Club Premium for an example.”
“Was that the one Ryo said News was elite while eito was a pack of dirty old mans?” asked Ohkura, trying to remember the correct words Ryo used.
“And he said in the Shounen club he was more News, kanjani8 didnt fit him.” Added Yoko, as he crossed his arms.
“Common guys! Those are minor details!” Yassu yelled
“Ok than. What about the last shows we participated as a group?”
“What about them Subaru?” asked Ohkura.
“Comming at the last minute, not talking to anyone. Yeah he doesnt talk much on screen but at backstage he wouldnt stop right? And after the end of the show he rushes out. Not even saying a proper ‘good night’.”
“He is a busy man.” Said Hina. “come on guys! He is in two bands and is working on a movie at the moment.”
“That doesnt mean he can’t say ‘good night’ or talk with us.” Said Yoko.
“Right, right.”
“You are acting like children.” Said Ohkura.
“Tacchan is right.” Said Yassu.
“Oh so you didn’t mind him saying ‘I prefer Pi and Toma over them’?”
Ohkura seemed Troubled. “Yeah I am actually. But this revenge-“
Yoko cut his words without listening the last part. “Thats why we are doing this exactly! To show him how he hurt us. He won’t understand otherwise.”
“He can kill us you know.” Said Subaru in a calm voice.
“Probably.” Admitted Yoko. “And at the end we can-“
“Wait!” yelled Yassu, again. “ Don’t you know Ryo-chan? All this time none of you understood Ryo-chan? None of you saw the real Ryo? You want me to believe that?”
“Eh?” Ohkura looked confused. Well he had trouble at understanding the whole situation from the beginning.
“Ryo-chan is actually very sensitive and shy. You all know that. Well knew. He tries to cover this side of him with his tough act.” Yasu seemed like real serious. He was in his ‘man character’.
Yoko chuckled while Subaru said “Thats another reason why we are doing this.”
“Eh? We are doing this? When did we decide to?”
“Shut up Murakami.”
“Aww that hurt.”
“We want to see whats in his heart truely.” Continued Subaru. “and we want to show that side of ryo to the fans who actually hates Ryo ‘cause of his ‘poison tongue’.”
“Why do they hate him at the first place?!” asked Ohkura. Looked liek he couldn’t understand the fans.
“Because they don’t understand Ryo. They think his true self is that poison tongue, they think he is ‘evil’. Nobody cares to see the inner Ryo.” Explained Hina.
Yasu seemed totaly lost. “I wouldn’t want a Ryo-chan without a poison tongue.”
“Me neither.” Said Hina. “So if thats the case I am in too.”
“So our goal is to show the audience and all other fans who will watch it later on dvd, that Ryo is very sensitive and cares about others; while taking revenge. Tacchon is in too.”
Maru grinned. “Its gonna be a harsh revenge.”
“I wonder how Ryo-chan will act.”
Maru laughed “Probably he will kill us all, infront of the audience.”
“He definetly will.”
“So whats the plan? What do you suggest?”
Yoko grinned. He seemed evil for a moment. As he began to explain what was on his mind, the man they were talking about was trying to contact them.
“Where the hell are they!” complained Ryo, while putting his cellphone back to his pocket. He tried to call all of them but couldn’t reach any of them.
And he hoped they could have lunch together. He shrugged, they must be really busy if they aren’t answering. Suddenly he felt lonely, left behind. Ah he missed them so much. He made a quick plan; after a quick lunch he’ll go directly to dome. Actually he was supposed to go to the movie set. But the day before they filmed the required scenes. So he was not needed there. The director would be mad but Ryo didn’t care. He wanted a break, he wanted to see his friends.
He entered the nearby restaurant. While looking on the menu he realized how hungry he was. While ordering his thoughts went back to kanjani8.
They overcomed many difficulties together. They were a bunch of crazy men for the outside world but they each had an unique personality. Actually they were quite emotional and strong at the same time.
‘What about News?’ asked a small voice in his head. He hated the fact people try to trick him choose between two bands. But now looks like even his own mind was trying to trick him. Why the hell did he have to choose between them? Well he knew he had to choose one day but that ‘one day’ was far away. Right now he wanted to continue with the two bands. True, he would be so tired one day so he would have to leave one.
He tried to imagine what would happen if he would quit one of the bands. First he thought about eito.
If he choose to leave Eito he was sure eito could manage that. After all they were a strong group. Ofcourse they would feel terrible first but as he pointed out before eito was a strong group. Ryo was nearly sure kanjani8 didn’t need him. He felt like kanjani8 and him didn’t match. He was not funny nor colourful. When he was with kanjani8 he was so happy ofcourse. It was fun. But not like a kids play. Kanjani8 was crazy but they were not kids. Actually they were mature, more than News. News was still a sensitive kid, trying to act mature. Well at that point News was weak; in a good way. But one thing was for sure, News was elite while kanjani8 was dirty old men. But that was not a bad point Ryo thought. That was one of the good parts of Eito. That made them colourfull, like a rainbow. If he did choose to leave Kanjani8 he was sure they would manage but he himself would torn in to pieces. Yes he probably couldnt stand it. One thing was for sure leaving Eito would make him loose an important piece of life. Even he was in Eito he was weak like News. He didn’t want to leave Eito for sure butit may be easier to leave them. Because they could manage to continue. News could not continue, Ryo was sure. News would be heavly damaged. Maybe that would be the end of the band too. But in News they couldn’t stand his poison tongue much. They were easily affected, like shige. Well Ryo loved to tease them and it was fun. But people missunderstood. They thought Ryo was so cruel and was bullying his fellow band members. Well Ryo maybe cruel but he did those things ‘cause he loved them. That was the way he expressed his love towards them. But sadly not many people understood. Thankfully Pi was there. They do fight a lot too but Pi actually understood what was going in Ryo’s heart. Ah really, he didn’t match News either. He was not an elite. He was not colourfell nor white; he was colourless. Now he was really tearing apart. He was desperatly trying to cling on the fact that he was, and always will be, Nishikido Ryo wherever he was. But that wasn’t helping much. İf he doesn’t belong to neither of them... He was so lost in his own thoughts that he couldn’t even find an exit, he couldn’t run away.
He looked down to his nearly full bowl. He didnt feel hungry anymore. He was quite full actually.
Ryo startled as he looked up. Takizawa Hideaki was standing next to him with a big smile on his face.
“Takizawa-kun.” Ryo was very surprised.
“Ah common. You can call me Tackey. Didn’t I tell you many times?” said Tackey as he sat across Ryo.
Ryo was all shy again. He couldn’t help it he was always like that with his seniors. “Who said you could sit there?” ah damn it, his poison tongue was working again.
“You are all shy again. Trying to avoid my question?”
Ryo blinked. Was there a subtitle or something across his face which revealed his thoughts. “Why would I!” He turned his attention to his bowl.
Tackey stared at Ryo’s face as he smiled. As a senior he usually loved to spend time with his juniors, but Ryo was different. He was really interested in Ryo. After being Yamapi’s ‘papa’ he would be very gratefull to be Ryo’s ‘aniki’. But ryo didn’t give him the chance because he was so shy. Ah and Pi stoped calling him papa a long time ago. He said it was emberacing. Kids theese days.
He turned his attention back to the black haired skinny guy infront of him. Yes Tackey was interested in him. Not because he needed a new cute child. It was just Ryo’s charm. Tackey could see the sincere heart hidden in that tough act. And ofcourse it was so fun to tease a kid this shy. Also it was very fun, and interesting, to watch Ryo struggle and try to escape all by himself. He wondered would Ryo give up. Did he understood the others care for him? Maybe. Maybe thats why he was even more shy, shy to accept it.
“Why are you staring?” said Ryo blushing. He felt he was under pressure. He wasn’t comfortable with all the attention on himself.
Tackey couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What’s so funny? Aren’t you going to eat something? Hurry and choose something.”
“Ah,” Tackey picked up the menu still smiling. “What should I choose?”
“If you want me to pay you better hurry! I am about to finish.”
“What made you think I wanted too?” Tackey laughed as Ryo blushed more. “You are trying to that I am not a reliable senior? Is that it?”
“Of...ofcourse not! Do whatever you want!”
“Then this is a promise Ryo-chan.”
“Huh? What promise? What is?” Ryo tried to talk while his mouth was full.
“Easy. You are going to choke.”
“I am okay. Just tell me what promise?!”
“A dinner; we will be out dinning and its your treat.”
“Hey hey!” Ryo screamed. “When did I promise that?”
“Just now.”
“I did not!”
“Yeah really? Now you are trying to escape?”
“You are dreaming Tackey!”
Tackey claped his hands in excitement. “Finally!” he cheered. “Now we are closer.”
“What about a drink tonight? Last time you tricked me with Pi. We ended up talking about old days while you were sleeping on the couch.”
“I have work tonight. Besides, don’t decide things on your own.”
“Come on it will be on me.”
“Thats not the point.”
“Well we don’t have to do it tonight. What are you doing tonight anyway?”
“concert, with Kanjani8. Some kind of anniversary.“
“Ah really? I haven’t seen Shibutani and Yokoyama in a while. I should come see it.”
“I will!”
“What the-why?”
“Idiot, cause I want to enjoy the concert.”
Ryo looked suspicious but didn’t say anything.
“Its at the Dome right?”
Ryo didn’t answer. His mouth was full - again. But suprisingly Tackey didn’t notice, ‘cause he was busy giving order to the waiter.
“Yes yes number seven please. And I will be in charge of the bill.”
“Yes, understood.”
“Hey!” yelled Ryo. After swallowing his mouth. “Who put you in charge?”
“Myself. Hey show some respect to your seniors.”
“Whatever. I’m finished, suit yourself. I have to work.”
“Wha- thats rude! Aren’t you going to wait for me?”
“Something came up.” Said as he pointed the cellphone. “There are some problems on some scenes. I’ll make it up to you at that so called dinner. You are paying right?”
“Yeah. Get going.” He watched as Ryo rushed out of the place. He sure was an interesting kid.
Ryo was mad, truely mad! That idiot director! He wasn’t suppose to work today because of the concert. But the director told him they made a huge mistake. He wore the wrong costume on the action scenes. After disscusing it over that perfectionist director made him retake some of the scenes. Tomorrow they would continue to do so. That director was really strict. Ryo had no energy left in him after retaking one of the scenes so much. Six hours was exhausting. Now he had only one hour to dress up, rush to tokyo dome and dress up again.
Ryo ran towards the dressing room while stripping. In a minute he was out and was running to catch a cab. After finding one he relaxed a bit. That day started with a morning variety show, which he attended with News. After he had to attend another one by himself to promote his new movie. After lunch he thought it would be okay. He would go to dome, work on careographies and stuff with his bandmates.
Ah he really missed them. Last few months he couldn’t see them properly. Sure they did attend many of shows and stuff but he was so exhausted to talk. He barely sang, didn’t even dance properly. Attending with News was worse. With Eito he didn’t need to talk but in News somebody had to talk. Sometimes Yamapi would keep quiet. Sometimes even Koyama would. So he had to talk for them too.
As he arrived the dome he could hear the fans screaming in front of gates the other side. Well at least the fans were energetic. He wished he could steal some energy from them as he rushed inside.
His phone rang.
“Hey Ryo-chan! Do your best tonight as well.”
Ryo was rushing upstairs while talking, Eitos room was a few meters away only. “Pi! İts not the right time actually I have to-“
“I know, I know. I am sorry. I was going to attend the concert as I promised but something came up. I’ll make it up to you. I promise”
Ryo stormed in to Eito’s room breathless. “Its alright Pi.” All the members of kanjani8 turned to face him. They seemed unhappy. Everybody was silent. “I don’t care really,” he continued as he dropped his bag at a corner. “I know you would if you could.”
“Yeah. Thanks. I’ll take you out tomorrow okay?”
“Yeah okay.” Ryo managed to smile. He felt if he didn’t he would break and start crying. He was really dead tired. How was he going to manage the concert. He hoped he wouldn’t do any mistakes.
“See you then.”
“Yeah bye.”
end of part one
fanfic: kanjani8,
fanfic: nishikido ryo