Got it figured out.
The following people.. Will be staying (for now anyway)
Sorry if you're my friend and you're not on the list. It probably means we don't talk much, you don't update, or you do update and I never read it. -shrug-
Whatever it is.. the fact is that the people below are NOT being cut.
* RedHotHottie11
* Die For Zero
* corny emo dork
* XEffinDanniXRawr
* xmilinkox
* I3thismadness
* Believe in scene
* chemical toxins
* voodoo muffin
* Deadlywhsprs
* Xiheart80smusicx
* elusiveloguence
* Robertssexyhair
* KissedByShadows
* xpicturepostcard
* LifeR0lls0n
* Bloodsucker009
* poisontheburrito
* rev0lution
* rofl lmao stfu
* white x trxsh
* naked shadoe
* witch1man
* amilisciousness
* xttripleXrateddx
* tashluvsu
* wickedryda420
* problem si
* myblack88ranger
(If your name isn't there. Then you're no longer on my buddy list. Unless of course you start talking to me on YOUR own free will)
Livejournal Friends
vintage_rock070ofairy_wingso06130468_charger_forewarna_window_storyakillingmoon_breedxdisasterdeadawakeeffex0rzelusiveloguencefairytailinruinjoleniekrazyta2dmelmilinkoobliteratexmepsycho_jayrandomfluffx_emoboy1125 (Same thing applies with the LJ friends.. as the AIM list)
[edit] I was a moron and left a few people off those lists. That I didn't actually cut. So before you jump on my ass about it.. Take the time to check my info and see if you're actually cut. kthnxbye. [/edit]
PS.. Thank you Terayis for the icon. I <3 it!