Locke... from what Terra's managed to say about the encounter so far, I would be more inclined to believe that Locke had been cloned rather than that was actually him. She did say that she felt some sort of aura around him, some sort of unknown power. I would assume that's this Adel exerting her influence.
However, from Terra's sparse account -- she's still not in the greatest of emotional health -- Locke didn't exactly threaten her, aside from holding his weapon out in front of him. She also mentioned that he looked a little confused, like he was fighting with himself.
It would have been most helpful if someone had seen Locke run off, but even that wouldn't be very useful - the only way to go from Mobliz on land is south, unless he took a boat, which I highly doubt with Locke's problems with boats.
Locke, you stupid bastard, if you read this, I know I speak for most of us when I say that we don't want to hurt you but we will if we have to. Especially since I can't believe that it's really Locke Cole doing these things. You could very easily just get rid of your weapon and come to us in the castle, and we'll figure out how to stop this Sorceress.