I am anxious to get things moving, but at least people have been alerted of the situations and proper actions are being taken it seems. I am thankful for the assistance the Gardens are providing.
Anger (and, in fact, rage) are difficult things to overcome. I had no idea they could be so potent.
I have heard from Selphie in the Dreamworld that Adel sent Locke to deliver some sort of message to the Gardens. I'd assume this is dangerous. He now wields two long handblades, and quite possibly a crobar -- and isn't afraid to stab anyone in the stomach, and then whack them on the head, of course.
I have heard a rumour. I would like to let you know that, either way, you are still my friend Celes... I will not think less or more of you no matter what the truth is.
However, I would like to remind you that understanding and accepting your feelings is all part of finding balance.
Of all the people... Celes. And of all the times, now. I feel as though I should talk to her about this... but there are more important things right now. Far more important. If she needs it, I will talk to her, but later. Much later. Selphie, Locke, and Terra are all in danger and that needs to be dealt with before matters of the heart... even if they are not my own. Maybe I just should've stayed chaste.