Aplomado Entry 11

Aug 22, 2008 13:56

August 21st
As losing items goes, losing your keys has to be one of the worst. After two days without the peregrine fund truck, I really wish we could find that key. Over 90 miles a day has to be rough n my truck regardless of road conditions and the roads around here are horrible. There are lots of washouts and washboard. The roads are a rough drive and make it hard to control around some of the curves. On top of the wear on my truck, it’s annoying to always be looking for any signs of the keys. Angel is coming tomorrow to pick up the p-fund truck but we might not have another company vehicle until next week. I hope that we do get one of the trucks back as I would appreciate giving my truck some time off.
The falcons are doing well and have now reached the point of success. Half of the last group were successful and are fun to watch. Everyday, we see 15-20 of the fledglings and we identify nearly all of them. Lately, we also have been watching fledglings chase off hawks and falcons from the site. It’s great to see the falcons supporting the site instead of being chased off….
While talking to Angel earlier this week, I finally got him to come up with a date for my departure. It seems he is planning on taking the last couple of days himself so I will be done on September 10th. This is as close as I have gotten to a solid date so I am planning with it in mind. I will spend two or three days working my way to Kansas City and then a while before I get up to Omaha. So far, that’s the plan for my return.

August 22nd
I really wish we could find those damn keys. It has now been several days and there has been no sign of them. The last vestiges of hope have fallen away from the entire crew. Today, we picked up the other truck and Angel brought us a set of keys which will only allow us to put the truck into neutral. With those, we will be able to get the truck to a dealership so a new set of keys can be made. Hopefully it will all work out, just being very expensive.
The falcons are eating and flying around. For the last several days, we have been seeing a Swainson’s Hawk flying around the site. It is a highlight of the day when all the fledglings take to wing and force him to leave. They swarm all around him kacking (the noise they make when aggravated is called a “kack” and sounds unique). The activity is very successful and convincing him or any other raptors that the site is a no-fly zone. The Swainson just seems to lack enough intelligence to give up. (Sound familiar to anyone? :P)
Today is another missile test so I’m hiding in town. I have not yet heard that the range is open but I suspect we could return to the bunkhouse. We have another person coming out today to see what we do and possibly help in the future. If she is willing, she will help me once the other two technicians leave on September 5th.
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