so i havent updated this past week for numerous reasons.
sunday i didnt updated because of this. as you all know or those of you who read the previous entry, i ate papa saias, my arc enemy of restaurants, because of my "incident". now, im not pointing any fingers here, but i think ol papa at papa saias put some extra special sauce in them wings and pizza for his ol pal kevin, cause i wake up sunday mornin with that hot on the outside, cold on the inside, wrapped up in blankets, i dont wanna move, headache,throatache feelin. yall get the picture. so basically i lay around all day. and dennis was just a rainstorm, i knew people were exaggerating about this one too.
so monday i went to my dads, i went down to justins that night and shot some pool, then that night he spent the night.
tuesday, we hung out at the house till like 4 then went up to walmart, acadamy,dicks sports,tiger pride, and wings, it was fun. he spent the night again that night
so wednesday we wake up at freakin 6 somethin and go to six flags. it was really fun; we rode superman,batman,ninja(if you dont want a headache i would advise you not to ride this),free fall, great american scream machine(if you are a guy, do not ride, no explanantion needed) and the water ride, i got soaked, good thing i brought extra clothes, so then we get home and its late so he just spent the night again, 3 nights.
thursday we get up and head on down to justins house, we went down to some fishin place close to justins house just to check it out. so then later that night we go night fishin at joe tucker,justin catches a nice size catfish,devin justins bro steps on it to hold it still, and smushes its insides(fridays story will explain)
so friday we get up and head down to justins pawpaws house,like 100 steps from his house, with our dead catfish. so his pawpaw was gonna gut it and let us eat it but he said "since devin smushed up all its damn insides, the good meat is ruined" it was hilarious, so later that night we go out to 280 for justins aunts and uncles grill out thingy, we get there and same ol same ol kids tryin to hit us in places that dont need to be hit, we take em fishin, were offroad in justins truck so we take the kids back and just me and justins head out to tear it up, he was fishtailin and doin 360s and it was a grand ol time, his truck was covered in mud, they should make that a color you can choose from when buying a car... it could be called ...muack(mud+black)...anyways, so i went home that night.
saturday i stayed at home i think, haha i can remember all that from a week ago but forgot yesterday, o yea i washed all the mud and stuff off of my truck(justins lives on a dirt road, and i just had to spin out and junk) so got that done, ohh yea then i watched the godfather, which is an awesome movie, its 3 hours long which is pretty cool too cause good movies often end too quick, so i might watch part 2 tonight.
today i got up and went to church, came home and ate, then sat around till 3:30, at 3:30 i went catfishin at joe tucker and justin came, i caught a catfish that put up a good fight, but it was only like a foot or a foot and a half long at the most, which sucked, so here me and justin are tryin to put the stringer in its mouth and it slops into the water, so justins trys to grad it w/ his shoe? then he finally reaches down and it swims away, i was pissed. so then i had no more bites. by the way, chicken livers stink. so then at 6 i came back and came back to my moms. i cut the front, side,and backyard. halfway through this whole adventure, i got to start it and as i pull the string it comes all the way out, i just looked down at it in shock, so the rest of the time i have to unbag the grass, in the process having my fingers like 6 inches from the blade, what a rush, not. so that really sucked, i havent sweated that long since, well last saturday, when i cut the grass. so my next door neighbor is taking our lawnmower to get it fixed, he said"id fix it, but i hate doin it!" i was like geez thanks. so then i came in and watched road trip and then typed this long thing.
hope yall enjoy