Aug 22, 2003 22:22
I think I'll stay here for a while. I'm due for a nice sulk. Will emerge later.
*climbs into bed, pulls pillow over head, cries*
(edit: Ok, I'm done acting like a spoilt bratty immature hobbit now.)
*dries eyes, thinks about what to do next*
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Comments 48
Tiger? I was thinking that, after recent events, maybe we should get out of the smial for a bit. Do you want to see our pirating ship on Bywater Pond? I know I wouldn't mind some time spent on the water.
Why yes! I prefer the open air to the close confines of Back End where angst breaks out at the drop of an icon.
Lead on, sailor!
It does get close here sometimes, doesn't it?
*happily leads Tiger to the pirate ship*
There are some life vests in that locker, if you want one. We don't have to take the ship out on to the pond if you don't want to.
*walks to the side of the boat and looks out over the water* It's good to be back.
Oh, why of COURSE we have to take this ship out! No harm can possibly come to us in a POND! Can it?
But I confess--I've never been in any water other than the all-too-frequent occasional water trap on a golf course. You might have to tell me what to do.
*looks over at Isengar, smiles*
You seem happier today. I'm glad.
*to self* Is that another ship? I didn't know there was another in the Shire ....
*To Tiger* Tiger? Could you come up for a second?
*looks around for his spyglass*
*skips merrily up staircase, sees Isengar searching around*
Did you lose something? I can help you find it! I found some fruit and ale and bread and...
*stops, notices fog in the distance*
What's that?
*crosses instinctively to Isengar*
*hands Tiger the amber spyglass*
What do you see?
Dust! I see Dust! *shakes head* No, I mean FOG! And a ship! Yes!
*lowers spyglass quickly, stares wide-eyed at Isengar*
Isengar, this may be a friendly vessal, it may not! I can't tell! Can you see a flag? Or any of the sailors? ARE there any sailors? Oh my goodness--I've so frightened now!
*scans the pond once more with the amber spyglass, but doesn't see any dust strange ships*
*puts scimitar back in the sword locker*
*hears Tiger coming up and goes to the hatch to help*
Here, I can take that.
Shall we eat here on the ship? It's a pleasant enough day, now that we're safe from danger. Is there a table somewhere? Or a blanket to put down on the deck picnic-style?
We can use this as a table, I think. There are more formal dinning arrangements below deck, in the galley, but I'd rather be out here with you.
*looks over provisions* Iorhael did a good job of stocking the ship's stores, didn't he?
Shall we?
*lays strawberries, bread, ale and a plate of smoked salmon on locker*
Oh! I forgot the utensils. I suppose we can just use each other's our fingers.
That was...very nice, Isengar. I didn't know...your lips...would feel like that.
*is overcome with feeling and the knowledge that his friend was sitting there so close...just a breath away*
Reply you think we should stop now? Let our temperatures brains cool down somewhat? Not that I'm even capable of using my brain at the moment.
This might be a prelude to something more YES! or perhaps we've gotten caught up in the wonder of each other our pond adventure.
*takes a halting breath*
Should we get together tomorrow in your breakfast thread since this one is getting rather long and see what happens? It's up to you.
!!!! Oh, no... oh... poor Sméagol.... masssster will be angry with uss, yess....*quickly shoves the fish in his mouth and swallows, sniffing at the scent of the hobbits*
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