Title: The Library
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: sexual situations
Word Count: 1208
Prompt: "Character"
A/N: This is the third part of Victor's story. If you haven't read the first two, here is a link
http://tigerlilly33.livejournal.com/28615.html It doesn't really work as a stand alone piece, but I
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Comments 9
I don't think I could only write "Victor" stories (chapters) for the contest. But I'm going to try and do as many as possible. I'm so glad to hear that they are clicking with people!
Also, just you wait and see what I have planned for Victor and Armin's mother. She's a peach, I promise...
I am super excited about TWO things you just told me here. Numero the first: that you are writing a full length piece about these characters! *squees*!!! And secondly, that we get to see their mom. zomg. I changed my mind and hope you write her next. I can't wait. PLEASE! hahaha. That is going to be something. Can I get advanced reader copy friend privilege or something? Is there a sign up sheet for that? *signs up first*
I'm having terrible writers block this week. Victor is stuck in limbo and won't come out. I know where I want to go next, but it's not getting onto the page. Frustration! I'm sure the exalted keppiehed never gets writers block and has no idea what I'm talking about of course ;)
Can I borrow your brain for a few hours before I have to go to work? I promise I'll return it in almost pristine condition. Only a few minor dents and squishes.
And you are always welcome to an advanced friend copy. It just has to materialize first!
Don't forget that until very recently, books were considered as a very valuable asset. Perhaps his brother does not like books and calls them that while he himself is pleased as dodo omelets to have them?
As for my book collection..I think they breed while I am not looking.
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