cynic51 arrived in the ATL on Monday without incident, and Tuesday was spent doing the usual last minute "leaving town" details, and Tuesday night fried chicken dinner at the Watershed in Decatur with AP (I miss you!!) and AH (my PHPS friend who is moving to Denver for 2 years). The meal was delicious and we ate all manner of pecan-flavored desserts as well. MMMMmmmm. Wednesday AM, we hit the road! Since
cynic51 was in charge of the soundtrack, the aim is to have no repeats on the CD list at any point during our trip. Two days into this, it appears that we just might make that :-)
Day 1: I drove from the ATL into Southern IL (we sadly did not stop at Metropolis to see the Superman Statue, which we're probably going to regret later). Switched drivers just over the border, and had a scary moment when we tried to find a gas station and ended up at a "children of the corn"-like location that didn't sell gas but sold all other kinds o kitsch. Drove across Missouri and well into Kansas before stopping in Topeka for the night. To be fair,
cynic51 could have kept driving, but I was....well, wiped is a pretty good descriptor for how I felt! Kansas has a toll road from KC to Topeka, which was very surprising to me--toll roads just seem wrong anywhere not on the east coast! Sustenance included bagels....lots of bagels from Goldbergs in the ATL.
Day 2: Kansas, by ND Red River Valley standards, IS NOT FLAT. In fact, most of the state reminded me of western ND, and was quite pretty. I drove us from Topeka into Colorado, where the driver switch occured. Ran out of bagels as well. Arrived in Denver with little fanfare, and had a lovely dinner at a Brazilian cafe (NOT to be mistaken with a brazilian style meat restaurant!) with the parents and RS and DH (whose internet I am using at this moment). A lovely evening.
cynic51 and I have a good roadtrip style. I'm the morning person, and take the early shift, and he gets wired in the evening and does the later day/night shift. It works.
Tomorrow's plan--8 hours to Salt Lake City, where the power of the ND connection will reigh supreme as we visit with AD and his fiance NP. Should be fun!
In other news, I miss AP a whole bunch. Thank goodness for cell phone minutes :-(