Friday, Jan. 12th - 7:15 - 9:30 PM
Location: The Children's Aid Society- 219 Sullivan St. NYC
Celebrate Spirit, learn the basic techniques of core shamanism, meet your Spirit Guides, deepen your shamanic practice, drum, chant, move and above all, have fun.
Please bring along a drum or a rattle, a pen & notepad, and a bandana.
Free/suggested donation $20.
Call Itzhak at 212-533-0909 or email:
Sunday, Jan. 14th - from 2:00 to 4:15 pm (door closes at 2:15 - no late comers)
Location: "Yoga to the People", 12 St. Marks Place (at 3rd Ave.)
In a sacred space of trust, encouragement, respect and personal growth we will honor the divine feminine and our powers to heal the world, our communities and ourselves. Each month our shamanic work will involve working with our bodies, souls and spirits in accordance with the seasons.
Please bring along a drum or a rattle, a pen & notepad, and a bandanna.
Free/Suggested donation $15.
call Christina at 917-607-2141 or email:
For full details contact Christina
Sunday,January 21th - 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Location: The Barrow Group, 312 West 36th Street, 6th Fl. (Bet. 8th & 9th Ave.)
Note: Please use the first elevator when you walk inside the building
Open new doors for personal and communal healing. Come experience and practice healing meditations, breathing techniques. Explore ancient medicine wheel and see how it can affect your lives.
This month at the Healing Circle, we have the honor of welcoming back Manuel Peralta, from the NY Shamanic Circle.
Please bring a mat, a bottle of water, a musical instrument of choice, your journal or notebook and a pen or pencil.
Free/suggested donation $15.
Email: or call Manuel 718-956-9695
e-mail more information
Shamanic Vision - Film Festival
A monthly film series that explores the global revival and its stunning relevancy of shamanism to our modern lives. Find out the importance of what they know, and what we have forgotten about the nature of healing.
There is no screening January.
Watch out for our February world premier of Taiga West
Contact Itzhak
Ipupiara and Cleicha -Shamanic Workshop
The NY Shamanic Circle is proud to bring back
Ipupiara and Cleicha
In a special workshop and personal healing sessions
The Sacred Shamanic Healing
of the Amazon and Andes
Friday Feb. 9 - Our guest at the Open Circle - Free
Saturday, Feb, 10 - Workshop
Sunday, Feb. 11- Personal Healing
Join us in an exceptional workshop with Ipupiara (fresh-water dolphin) who is a native of the Brazilian Amazon Ureu-eu wau-wau (the people of the stars) tribe. His wife Cleicha is a powerful Peruvian healer in her own right. They will be teaching sacred ceremonies, rituals and diversified healing techniques used in the Brazilian rainforest and the high Andes of Peru.
Using shamanic journeys, storytelling, local plants and herbs, drumming and other methods, participants will have the rare opportunity to have a hands-on healing experience and gain sacred knowledge that is unique to the disappearing worlds of the indigenous cultures.
Today, they devote themselves to creating bridges between cultures. They use shamanic wisdom to affect personal and societal dream-change and healing.
Join them on an amazing healing trip to the Brazilian Amazon
March 14-28, 2007
This program is offered to anyone who has a basic understanding of holistic healing practices or alternative therapies.
Program: Practice of ancient and mystical healing arts using local medicinal and aromatic plants and natural tools. Discussion of basic concepts of health and healing as used by native herbalists and teachers. Visiting local communities and participating in sacred traditional ceremonies. Enjoy ceremonies, storytellers, dances. trekking, swimming with pink dolphins, canoeing, fishing, and much needed relaxation.
Only 3 places left - ask for details
Where: Children's Aid Society at 219 Sullivan Street, NYC (3rd St-Bleecker St.)
Saturday: 10am -6pm $100
Personal ceremonial healing (1 hour): $125
Reservation is needed for the workshop and personal healing: make check to: NY Shamanic Circle
and mail to: Itzhak Beery, 214 Sullivan St. #2A New York, NY 10012
Contact Itzhak Beery 212-533-0909