Some Crossover Drabbles
Title: Cute
Pairing: Donghae(Suju) /Luhan (EXO)
Rating: G
Title: Expressions
Pairing: Sehun (EXO)/Sohee(Wonder Girls)
Rating: G
Title: Cute
Pairing: Donghae/Luhan
Rating: G
Donghae ran his hand through Luhan's hair.
"You're so cute."
"Hyung," the younger glares, "I'm a grown man."
"So," the elder laughed, "I am too and still they call me cute."
"Who; the fans?"
"Yes; but they’re not alone." Donghae flicked his head to the living room where Zhoumi and Heechul were sitting. "Try living with them and pouting absentmindedly while actually really confused about'll grow to loath the word."
Luhan blinked, horrified, "Oh god; hyung how do you deal??"
"Compare myself with Taemin. It makes life much more bearable."
Title: Expressions
Pairing: Sehun/Sohee
Rating: G
"Are you happy or sad?"
"Indifferent," he answers. She laughs.
"We all can tell."
"Well, I really wasn't trying to hide the fact."
"You’re silly."
"So I've been told."
"Are you making that face on purpose?"
"We're you?"
He pauses. "Really?"
"Why am I dating you again?"
"I don't know," she gave him a small smile," but I think it had something to do with Heechul Oppa."
"More then likely," he nods, taking her hand. "This is all Hecchul's fault."
"Is that what you plan on telling the press?"
"I should have known..."
A/N: Can someone please tell me how to use the new link tag cut because I have no idea what I am doing wrong. :(