Title: Denied
Pairing: K.R.Tao (Kyunhyun/Ryeowook/Tao)
Rating: PG-13 I think
A/N: I’m not good with smut, or something close to it but this has been lingering around my computer for a LONG time so here it is.
Tao remembers Zhoumi ge telling him something.
Something very, very important.
But his mind can't recall cause someone's hands are tugging at his jeans and there is a mouth lightly kissing up his neck. Another pair of hands joins in, stroking his back the way he likes and he moans. Loud. He hears a pleased hum coming from his side. He shifts his gaze, only to drown in the darkest of brown eyes he's ever seen; paired with a smirk that spoke of promises that millions dream of.
And it zooms back.
The warning whispered to him months ago. Now he's not surprised to find himself between two thirds of K.R.Y.
"Thanks to Han Geng gege they have a sick kink for Chinese, if you get what I mean."
He swore in Korean (compliments of Nichkun) and Ryeowook detached himself from his neck.
"It's cute for you to cures in Korean but I think it'll sound so much hotter if you swear in Chinese tonight. As much as you want; okay?" The singer was smiling but Tao was no fool. Kim Ryeowook was a force not to be taken lightly. So he nods, only to purr as the shorter male runs warm hands up his chest.
"You're so vocal," Kyuhyun spoke, finally; instead of sideline creeping, "are you like this in the dorms or does Kris not touch you enough; that you're almost begging for it?"
"I touch him just fine, hyung."
"Wu Fan," Ryeowook beams, "it’s so good to see you again." His smile falls when he spots his old manager and lets out a depressed sigh. "I guess we weren't quick enough..." He removes himself completely from Tao, opting to join Kyuhyun's side.
"We'll be going now," the manager gives a short nod, only giving the two Exo members a second to bow themselves as he rushes them out the door.
"Like wolves to new born sheep; those two."
Kris laughs, throwing an arm around Tao's shoulder, "How does it feel to be almost eaten?"
He thought about the look in Kyuhyun and Ryeowook's eyes when the door closed those 15 minutes ago.
"...slightly violated."
It was their manager's turn to laugh, "Welcome to SM Entertainment."
A/N: So tell me what you think.