It turns out (surprise, surprise) that Republican leaders did know how bad conditions were at Walter Reed all this time, but they didn’t want to say anything about it because they “
did not want to undermine the confidence of the patients and their families and give the Army a black eye while fighting a war.”
So this is what "Support Our Troops"
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Comments 12
Now, I like finger-pointing and sucker-punching the GOP as much as the next Northeastern Liberal, but much like the War on Terror, the War in Iraq and the national economy, it looks like everyone on all sides of the aisle dropped the ball on this one. They're all saying, Republican and Democrat, "What more could we have done? We're legislators, not administrators!" and pointing the finger, somewhat rightly, at the Department of Defense.
Republican politicians and their pundits have been quick to label themselves the ONLY party that cares about the troops. They claim that Democratic plans for withdrawal (e.g., Murtha's plan) embolden the enemy and border on treason. Despite whatever vitriol left-wing bloggers (myself included) have used against the current administration, I haven't seen many Democratic Leaders actually insinuating that anyone who disagrees with them supports Al-Qaeda. But the Republicans? They claim to be the sole party that "supports our troops". And methinks this suggests otherwise.
And "Johnny-Come-Lately"? I clearly need to make it out to Western MA more often if you think this is anything new on my part. :)
But hey, what I know!
Oh, wait, they already did. Don't wanna give aid and comfort to the enemy by letting it be known that our near decade-long cuts of Vet benefits and medical care is hurting our troops. Might kill morale and all.
Colbert was right: Reality has an overwhelmingly liberal bias. This sickens me so much, I can't even come up with an appropriately playfully snarky response.
I could also hope that our soldiers might finally start getting adequate medical care, as well as adequate training and armor, but even I'm not naive enough to think there's a chance of that happening.
Certainly, the Dems need to be a supermajority in the Senate to get anything done. The GOP has demonstrated that they are going to be the party of gridlock for the next two years.
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