Something that has been on my mind...

Jan 04, 2010 19:20

This somewhat amusing topic recently came up at a party I was at. Someone had asked the question "Is having sex with a werewolf classed as bestiality?"

While the people in question have forgotten about it, I reckon, It's been mulling around in my head. And I feel that I have some meaningful input, which I tried to add, but was ignored or drowned out by.

First off, some common ground, like a definition of what we are talking about, along with the creature in discussion. (Specifically, context #4 for the first one.)

Now that we have that out of the way, the major question comes down to sentience. Is a werewolf a sentient creature in all forms? If the answer to this question is no, then the answer to the question would probably be "Only in the non-sentient forms- Human form is OK, mid-form, possibly (if the human mind still has control), and in the non-sentient form, no." However, if all forms are sentient, then it gets.... fuzzy. And if there's multiple personalities, It gets even more cloudy. While it'd probably squick people out, I think that if the mind that's driving the body is sentient and willing to grant consent, then it's OK. And I think that's what it all boils down to: If all parties are able to understand what they are doing, and can grant consent, then who the hell cares?

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i think too much

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