[x] You own a jersey.
[] You like being sweaty.
[] You love mud.
[x] You've played at least one sport on a team.
[x] You've played more than one sport for fun.
[x] You hate pink.
[x] You love hoodies and jeans.
[x] Pranks are fun.
[] Dogs are better than cats.
[] It's funny when people get hurt.
Total: 6
[] Shopping is torture.
[x] Pulling heads off dolls isn't creepy, it's fun.
[] You don't cry.
[] Sad movies suck.
[x] Girl drama is stupid.
[] Painting your nails is weird/stupid.
[x] You own a PS2.
[] You own an XBOX.
[ ] You own a Gamecube.
[x] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[ ] You own a PSP.
Total: 4
[] You used to be obsessed with Ninja Turtles.
[] You watch Sports Center.
[x] Sports on tv are awesome.
[x] Gorey movies are the best!
[] You arent scared of anything.
[] You take part in "male bonding".
[] You only go to your dad for advice.
[] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[] You aren't sensitive.
[x] No pain, no gain.
Total: 3
[x] You like going to football games.
[x] Night games rock.
[x] Spiders and bugs are cool.
[] You like to freak out your sister or brother.
[ ] You used to or do collect baseball cards.
[x] Saggy pants are cool.
[] You get Sports Illustrated.
[x] Fire is cool.
[x] You don't babysit.
[ ] You're immature.
Total: 6
[] It's kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, or blue are your favorite color(s).
[] Romantic comedies are boring.
[x] You don't care about watching your weight.
[] You hate dressing up.
[] You don't care about your hair.
[x] You don't care what people think about you.
[x] Climbing is fun.
[x] Contact sports like football are fun.
Total: 5
Now, add up your score MULTIPLY BY 2 and repost with "I'm __% guyish."
[x] You wear lip gloss.
[x] You shop.
[] You wear eyeliner.
[x] You buy different colored shirts.
[x] You wear halters and tube tops.
Total: 4
[x] You don't like shopping at Hot Topic.
[] You wear the color pink.
[] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[] You hate wearing the color black.
[] You love hanging out at the mall.
Total: 1
[x] You like getting manicures and pedicures.
[x] You like wearing jewlery.
[x] Skirts are a part of your wardrobe.
[] You take a long time doing your hair.
[] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] You hate the movie Star Wars.
[] You cry in movies.
[x] You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics, or dance.
[] It takes you more than 1/2 hour to get dressed and put on other accesories.
[] You smile a lot. More than you should.
Total: 1
Add them up, multiply by 5, and repost as "I'm __% girly"
i totally went shopping for my baby sibs and my grand-baby sibs the other day. hehehehehe i'm soo excited about sending them stuff i have to hold myself back pretty hard to make sure the stuff doesn't get there TOO early... ah well.
yup. it was very pretty this afternoon even though this morning was FREEZING and rainy.
hmmm *stares off into the distance*