Prison Break!

Oct 04, 2005 03:57

Now, the first and greatest question is, if Big Sister/Woman Hand on Phone has no quarrels with ordering someone to order someone to kill Lincoln, why concot this elaborate scheme to frame him for murder, have him sentenced to death, and spend all this time (and money I assume) to repel his appeals?

Why not just freakin' kill him? She also had no problems with getting them to kill Informant Lady... quite clearly, human life is no issue with her, so I don't see why they couldn't take Lincoln into the backwoods.

The easy answer is that we wouldn't have a TV show. But, a solution to that is to find a real reason why he'd be falsely convicted of murder and FORGET THE GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY PLOT already.

What really saved the episode for me was the Michael/Sara. I think they have a lot of chemistry and play off each other quite well.

I loved how Michael's inner dork was revealed, that we're shown that maybe his incredible smoothness is partially a well thought-out act. His lame story about beers and his "But I am trying!" was simply adorable. As well as her making sure he wore a mask for the toxic mold.

That's one of my favorite things about the Michael/Sara interaction... it's not because of the UST, but because Michael lets himself be more of himself around her, and not only is that sweet, but it's very interesting for us, the audience, to learn more about Michael. I think we become much more invested in him as a character and find him more likeable the more we see his vulnerabilities.

Speaking of, I love how he was crying again when he saw his brother. I'm really quite surprised he allowed himself such emotion in front of so many, but I suppose he couldnt' help it, which perhaps means he loves his brother more than the pain and his toes.

Things I'm a bit more disgruntled with:

  • The riot was lame to begin with, and didn't get much better, so at least there was Michael and Sara to entertain me. Oh, and with how smokin' hot and sexy Wentworth is. There is also that.

  • I wasn't a huge fan of the rock music. Like, is that supposed to be part of the score? Who DOES that music? It's so horrible it's like they downloaded it off some kid in his garage off And editing in time to that horrible rock music? So lame.

  • There is absolutely no way with the riot noises, helicopters, and ALARMS SOUNDING that the warden and the prisoner shouting back and forth, many hundreds of yards away, could hear each other.

    Now, if you want me to believe that a man could wiggle his way into the prison of his choosing and tattoo art on his body that is actually a hidden pattern that only he and a crazy cellmate can read, I'm willing to go along with that, because that's kinda unique and fun, but you better get stupid little details right like how far sound can travel and how the human ear has a hard time singling out a specific sound when there's so much commotion going on around you.

    How are we supposed to believe that they could break through a wall by drilling pressure points (which, maybe you can, I don't know) if you can't get the physics of sound right? Basically, if you get the sound wrong, then I can't believe you on the physics of pressure points in walls and mathematical calculations on projecting pictures and how to calculate where to project it and how far and etc.

    I'm totally willing to go along with that, because again, it's fun and different, but you have to get everything else that is everyday common sense right so I'll believe you when you tell me all the crazy shit could happen, too.

  • The rapid zoom ins to someone's face or something before the commercial breaks I'm also not a fan of. It screams flashy, and when you already have a show that makes no real world sense but is supposed to be entertaining and fun, it's probably better to find the line between "unrealisitc" and outright "LOOK AT THIS SHOW" cinematography/effects.

  • Was there no parking lot that they could put the limo in, instead of driving it ONTO THE PRISON LAWN? Isn't that, you know, within firing range? In addition to being just plain silly.

  • Lawyer Lady is still incredibly stupid. GO BACK? What, are you going to stop the riots yourself? Jesus, you're an idiot.

    Finally, wasn't there supposed to be some huge cliffhanger for the baseball hiatus? If there is, but it's upcoming in a different episode, don't tell me what it is... I know there is something OMG GASP going on with Michael, but I don't think I want to find out just now.

    On the most random note? Sucre has a crazy scary clown laugh.
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