
Dec 09, 2011 20:12

[ Action: 1648 Albright Lane ]

[ Okay, this? This wasn't her room. As far as she knew, this wasn't even her home. Astharoshe growls in annoyance before turning over and noticing--

Oh, hell no. This had to be a nightmare or something like it. Because she doesn't know why else the stupid priest would be in her bed with her. She doesn't know ( Read more... )

not pleased, location: 1648 albright lane, wtf i'm a terran, wtf why am i a mom, abel's a stupid priest, !action

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is it okay if i roll in now or will i be shot for this SCREAMS queenofscarlet December 10 2011, 04:19:26 UTC
[Yeah so I heard you were all having a pleasant talk and whatnot NEW FAMILY MEMBERS OH BOY but the things is.

All this shouting has ruined Rachel's morning tea.

And this does not please Rachel.

I hope none of you mind the GIANT FORK AND KNIFE that are suddenly stabbing through the door. n__n Once they're retracted though, the door is opened quietly and politely by Rachel, looking fancy as ever if a bit cross.]

While I do agree that this so-called priest is quite the idiot, I would much prefer it if you would have the common courtesy to be quiet.


go for it! tigresses December 10 2011, 05:24:03 UTC
[ Well, the explanation helps some matters. But, not all of them since she's irked about being turned into a Terran without her knowledge. She does, however, nod to Cain.

... However, the giant fork and knife being stabbed through the door is enough to make her turn her head in disbelief. Okay, what kind of crazy place was this? ]

Tch. Well, excuse me for not knowing where I was until now, brat.

[ Oh, yeah. She just went there. Your nice drone!mommy is no more. c: ]

--though, thank you for the information so far. Do you want to continue this downstairs?


:3 kinships December 10 2011, 05:28:46 UTC
[Cain shot a small glance at Abel, this woman seemed to be taking all the changes remarkably calmly and trusting their word. She must be quite the ally of Abel's to believe him so readily.

But he was distracted from saying anything as Rachel arrived, choosing instead to give her a bright smile and a wave from the bed.]

Morning, my lovely big sister~

[Doesn't she just love living in this house?]


THE MORE THE MERRIER? custodismundi December 10 2011, 05:41:34 UTC
[--ah, well, that was... an interesting introduction, to say the least -- and Abel's footsteps (which had been headed to that door THANK YOU) falter short of their mark.]

Miss Rachel-- a-- ahaha... Did we disturb you?

[no shit, Nightroad. he rubs the back of his head... man, this is getting to be an UNCOMFORTABLY AWKWARD SITUATION THERE ARE TWO TSUN VAMPIRES IN HERE...]

Miss Astha, this is Miss Rachel. Miss Rachel, this is Miss Astha -- she's the Duchess of Kiev and a Methuselah from my world, so-- treat her kindly, okay? The both of you might find you have a few things in common! [and this part, he'll just continue to murmur to himself as he heads for now non-forked door...]

...such as a dislike of disturbances during meals and both being exceptionally cruel to undeserving priests who are not idiots, in case anyone was inclined to believe otherwise...


now it's a real party here... queenofscarlet December 10 2011, 06:28:21 UTC
Nonetheless, asking in a well-mannered matter should not have been impossible despite the situation, unless you do not even have the intelligence for that. [Sorry Abel were you saying something about treating someone nicely? WHAT IS THAT, though she does cast a curious glance as Astha. Meeting one of the Methuselah already? It could be... interesting, to say the least.

But anyways.]

... good morning to you as well, Cain. [Even if being called big sister is really kind of freakish SCREAMS.] And of course, you disturbed me. I can't even enjoy a good cup of tea with all this racket.


tigresses December 10 2011, 06:32:51 UTC
[ Oh, Rachel just-- she just did not insult Astha right to her face. ]

Well, excuse me, princess. [ Yep, this is how she regularly treats people. Hey, she does it to her own kind, too. But, she'll decide to roll her eyes and go to make herself look at least somewhat presentable.

Hey, that stuff is important to her all right. ]


kinships December 10 2011, 06:40:26 UTC
[Duchess of Kiev? Methuselah? He only knows that word biblically, as one of the first and longest lived humans, so there's a question in his eyes as he looks between Astha and Abel. Though he is content to listen at the moment, feeling he will garner more information that way.]


custodismundi December 10 2011, 06:45:30 UTC
[don't facepalm don't facepalm don't facepalm don't -- too late. he sighs as he heads out of the door and into the hall for a kitchen.]

Look, you should be a little sympathetic, Miss Rachel! It's not every day you wake up in bed with such a handsome man, eh? Miss Astha was clearly overwhelmed and had to express herself somehow...

[he gives his brother a side-long glance as he's filling the kettle. this is going to be a long morning, bro.]


queenofscarlet December 10 2011, 07:21:35 UTC
[Good Astha, good, Rachel won't be having a HUSSY!! for a mother if she can help it... okay no I'm done being awful CRIES. Anyways, she more or less follows Abel into the kitchen, seeing as she already has her own tea to attend to, and promptly takes a seat.]

Expressing yourself is all well and good, but I would prefer it if it could be done in more... graceful manner.


tigresses December 10 2011, 07:57:21 UTC
I wouldn't give you that much credit, Abel. Just saying.

[ Because, really. :| All you are to her is a stupid priest and that is it. But, after she decides she's presentable enough, she makes her way to the kitchen. And decides to sit down at the table with her legs crossed. ]


kinships December 10 2011, 17:48:56 UTC
[He shoots Abel a look back that clearly says: No kidding. Long morning is probably an understatement... Still, he follows them all into the kitchen, and takes a seat strategically between Rachel and Astha.]

Arguing won't get us anywhere. We're living together now, we should try and make sure it's harmonious.


custodismundi December 10 2011, 18:11:45 UTC
[oh Cain, the 10 year old voice of reason. God help this house.

he's clinking at the stove, scratching his cheek...]

You're wounding my manly pride--! But I'll just be glad I didn't get a fist to the face in response and cut my losses.

[ahem. a tiny glance over his shoulder to the table man is this really happening... what happened to Esther!drone? ...maybe it's better if he doesn't know.]

I'm sure you have questions. Miss Rachel, Cain and I will fill you in as best we can, but-- Cain is right. We're all going to be living here for the time being, so try your best to be on your best behavior, won't you?


queenofscarlet December 11 2011, 05:55:56 UTC
If you've any remaining questions, do hurry with them. [Patience what is that.]


tigresses December 12 2011, 10:22:15 UTC
[ Good thinking, Cain, because Astharoshe's opinion on Rachel isn't improving any time soon. :| However, she just shoots A Look to Abel and shakes her head the minute after. ]

Fine. I'll try.

[ That's the keyword. "Try." It may be a bumpy road, but she can at least make a decent effort. ]

Who do I need to be cautious of? What all has transpired in this town and have there been any measures to prevent future events from happening? Among that, what about the fact that I'm a Terran and not a Methuselah like I should be?

[ She decides to just get it all over with in one single shot. It'll be better that way, in her opinion. ]


kinships December 12 2011, 15:34:22 UTC
[Cain's own demeanour is relaxed and his voice calm, as though they were all happily sitting around instead of almost at each other's throats. He doesn't know what a Methuselah is, but he has seen enough people lose all their 'powers' to know how to answer.]

When we arrive here, we're all put on equal terms as ordinary humans. Sometimes, through time, people regain packages containing their... usual attributes.


custodismundi December 12 2011, 15:43:35 UTC
[u-um. right, kettle is on... he'll just go find cups, now. cups.]

I think Miss Astha is charming like this! ...Without a Methuselah's extra strength, her fists can't send innocent priests through walls, anymore! My insides might actually remain unbruised for once...


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