Title: take a breath, count to ten, take a step
Fandom: Glee/The Princess Diaries movieverse
Disclaimer: if you recognize someone s/he is probably not my character.
Warnings: AU for Glee - some season 3 incorporated, but Blaine’s a senior, Lauren’s in New Directions, Sam never moved away, Karofsky still attends McKinley, and Rory’s at a different American school; based more on the Princess Diaries movies but I snagged some things from the books - AU for both of those, as well; remembered violence/homophobia; remembered thoughts of suicide/self-harm
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Carole, Finn/Rachel, various canon background pairings
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 28641
Point of view: third
Notes: so many thanks to
mynorthwind for being my sounding board! And thanks to
fabfemmeboy for the fashion help, and
emeraldsnakes for the HTML aid, just as I was about to give up. Art by
nickershnick25 and the mix by
musicsage92More notes: considering the fact that the movies totally messed up the process of succession, I’m pretty sure it’s okay that I may have messed up the process of annulling a marriage. Also, I could not find any info about a zoo in Lima; therefore, I made one up. And Blaine and his dad moved to Lima when Blaine transferred. Because they’re rich. Or something. *handwaves* Also also, I play fast-and-loose with some legal things and the texts are grammatically incorrect on purpose.
Part I Interlude I Part II Interlude II Part III Interlude III Part IV Interlude IV Part V Interlude V Part VI Interlude VI Part VII Interlude VII Epilogue Her Majesty's Mix