Мистер Брекзит и принцесса Диана

Oct 04, 2016 07:42

"There is nobody that respects women more than Donald Trump. That I can tell you."

"We were in the boardroom one time figuring out who to blame for the task, and he just stopped in the middle and pointed to someone and said, 'You'd fuck her, wouldn't you? I'd fuck her. C'mon, wouldn't you?'"

Одно из немногочисленных жизненных упущений Дональда Трампа - не успел перепихнуться с принцессой Дианой. Через пару месяцев после ее трагической смерти он расуждал про это на радио в разговоре с Говардом Стерном:

“Why do people think it’s egotistical of you to say you could’ve gotten with Lady Di?” Stern asked. “You could’ve gotten her, right? You could’ve nailed her.” “I think I could have,” Trump said.

Трамп ставил принцессу Диану на третье место в своем списке десяти самых желанных женщин, после Мелании и Иваны и перед Мишель Пфайффер.

“I think she’s magnificent,” Trump said. “Lady Di was truly a woman of great beauty.”
“Would you have slept with her?” Stern interjected.
“Without even hesitation,” Trump said.
“She had the height, she had the beauty, she had the skin - the whole thing,” Trump said, before adding that “she was crazy, but these are minor details.”

Диана умерла задолго до появления Твиттера, но одной короткой фразой она обозначила реакцию большинства женщин на Трампа:

"He gives me the creeps"

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