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Забавный факт: нынешний возраст Трампа и его генерального прокурора Сешнса (70 лет) - такой же, какой был у "кремлевских старцев" Громыко и Устинова во время вторжения СССР в Афганистан. Сам Брежнев был всего на три года старше.
Сешнс и Бэннон - два члена Трамповского "политбюро" - последовательно выступают за ограничение всяческой иммиграции, легальной и нелегальной. Под легальными иммигрантами при этом понимаются не только беженцы, которые садятся на шею американским налогоплательщикам, но и ученые и программисты, которые приезжают по рабочим или студенческим визам и отнимают работу у "коренных" американцев.
В документе под названием IMMIGRATION HANDBOOK FOR THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY Сешнс выражает восхищение иммиграционной политикой президента Кулиджа в 1920ые годы.
Coolidge believed it was rational and sensible to swing the pendulum back towards the average wage-earning American. He explained in a speech to naturalized citizens: “We want to keep wages and living conditions good for everyone who is now here or who may come here. As a Nation, our first duty must be to those who are already our inhabitants, whether native or immigrants. To them we owe an especial and a weighty obligation.” The labor market tightened substantially as a result of policy changes, boosting wages for both the native-born and the millions of immigrants who had arrived previously-helping the great American middle class to emerge. Иммиграционный закон, принятый Кулиджом в 1924 г. ввел жесткие ограничения на иммиграцию с увязкой к стране происхождения. Для установки иммиграционных квот использовалась перепись населения 1890 г. Тем самым отдавалось сильное предпочтение иммигрантам из Западной и Северной Европы, прикрывалась лавочка еврейской иммиграции из Восточной Европы и фактически прекращалась иммиграция из Азии.
Кого еще, кроме Джеффа Сешнса, вдохновил такой закон?
When Hitler published Mein Kampf in 1924, he held up a foreign law as a model for his program of racial purification: The U.S. Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, which prohibited the immigration of those with hereditary illnesses and entire ethnic groups. When the Nazis took power in 1933, they installed a program of eugenics--the attempted "improvement" of the population through forced sterilization and marriage controls--that consciously drew on the U.S. example. В 1930-ые годы ограничения на иммиграцию, в том числе из Германии, особенно пригодились.
In 1939, the quota allowed for 27,370 German citizens to immigrate to the United States. In 1938, more than 300,000 Germans-mostly Jewish refugees-had applied for U.S. visas (entry permits). A little over 20,000 applications were approved. Beyond the strict national quotas, the United States openly denied visas to any immigrant "likely to become a public charge." This ruling proved to be a serious problem for many Jewish refugees. Most had lost everything when the Nazis took power, and they might need government assistance after they immigrated to the United States.
Shortly after she was appointed to the cabinet, Frances Perkins, President Roosevelt's secretary of labor, proposed an executive order on refugees and immigration. Perkins suggested that the State Department should give priority to immigrants seeking refuge from racial or religious persecution. The State Department objected to this order because it would antagonize relations with Germany and alienate jobless American citizens. FDR never issued the order, and State Department officials in Europe continued to reject many visa applications from Jewish refugees.
In September 1935, Nazi Germany passed laws that deprived German Jews of their citizenship. Without citizenship, Jews were legally defenseless. Many lost their jobs and property. Hitler also targeted with violence and persecution countless thousands of gypsies, Catholics, homosexuals, and even the physically and mentally impaired. With so many Germans fleeing their homeland, the State Department temporarily eased immigration quotas. In 1936, the State Department approved visas for about 7,000 German refugees. By 1938, that number had increased to more than 20,000. But an opinion poll revealed that 82 percent of Americans still opposed admitting large numbers of Jewish refugees into the United States. Despite pleas by American human-rights organizations, the U.S. State Department refused to increase the German quota any further. Закон Кулиджа о квотах на иммиграцию просуществовал больше 40 лет и был отменен в 1965 г. усилиями Линдона Джонсона.
Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers. From a hundred different places or more they have poured forth into an empty land, joining and blending in one mighty and irresistible tide.
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources--because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.
And from this experience, almost unique in the history of nations, has come America's attitude toward the rest of the world. We, because of what we are, feel safer and stronger in a world as varied as the people who make it up--a world where no country rules another and all countries can deal with the basic problems of human dignity and deal with those problems in their own way.