kate makes me feel betterkaty_liedMarch 3 2005, 15:43:31 UTC
yes ur rite, just be wickedly nice to em, haha hawk, ewww guys grindin, ha u remember twilight ball rite, me dancing like a friggin maniac !HHAHA, wow im gonna invite u to every party i have, that sucks that they didnt have school and u did, hmmm life sucks doesnt it? yeah it does
well i may or may not be having a lovely party in april and if you can come you are surely invited.... you can meet my beautacious sexy drug friends.... god i love those boys.... yes... i still hang with almost ALL boys.... my life is sad... hehe... anyway.... see if you can come if this partay even happens
haha ok if you get me the date i will prolly turn up! haha sometimes guys are just easier to get along with than girls, girls are SO mean like mentally and guys if they are pissed at someone they just like slug each other until one or both fall over and they are happy. guys are simpler.
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later allie!
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