Title: He and He
tikibuddy91Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, AU
Pairing: Kris/Suho
Word Count: 190
Summary: Joonmyeon is bored, waiting for Yifan in the living room. Yifan's busy writing up a paper.
Author's Note: Based off on this
Yifan is seated on the couch in his apartment, typing up a final paper when he hears a rustle next to him.
He is unaware that Joonmyeon has been watching him and his laptop with piqued interest on and off, as the shorter male fidgets around, playing with a plushie bunny doll.
Yifan doesn’t mind; Joonmyeon’s impatient sometimes, and he too wishes this paper could just type out the rest by itself. Alas, laptops are served to show what the hands and the brain want to type. So, patience is required.
It gets to the point where Joonmyeon has been lying down on his back, with his head supported by Yifan’s thigh, did the shorter male let out a sigh of boredom and sits up. He is about to get off of the couch when Yifan suddenly reaches around, a large arm crossing over his chest.
“Myeonnie, please behave and wait, okay?”
Joonmyeon looks up at Yifan, who is looking back down at him. Joonmyeon feels Yifan’s hand lazily scratching his head, and the large warmth of Yifan’s hand feels so soothing against his forehead.
Life is good…very good indeed.