Title: Candy Glass
Fandom: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF
Author: tikistitch
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Bobby Singer, Crowley, Castiel, Jim Beaver. Very mild implied Destiel.
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 8000
Summary: JP, JA and Misha are sitting around the set bickering about nothing
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Comments 2
Accidental angel smiting. Man this is weirding me out just to read, how the fuck did you write it?
Misha is vegan? I didn't know that.
Pants angel.
Obnoxious pants angel.
Poor Bobby.
Oh goody, Crowley. That can't be a bad thing.
Oh holy shit, you've added actual Castiel to the mix now?!
Heh, you said Dean instead of Jensen. Amazingly only once so far.
Had to look up what a GLAAD Award was, never heard of that. Heh.
Reality: where Misha somehow still hasn't lost his marbles.
That was fun. You did good.
I think Misha's wife is a vegan. Or maybe their friends. He's grumbled about it on Twitter now and again.
I think what this taught me is that I absolutely can't write RPF. Which is probably not that much of a bad thing.
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