"I ams puts you in da boxes an ships you back!"
"No, I ams puts YOU in da boxes an ships YOU back!"
Sariel: Boys! Boys! What's going on here?
Ganesh: Yes, it is getting difficult to stand around looking effortlessly stylish.
"Hims ams started it!"
"No, hims ams started it!"
Skwisgaar and Toki: *babble in strange foreign language*
Sariel: Do you have any clue what they're talking about?
Ganesh: Er. If it's not assembling IKEA furniture, I'm afraid I have no idea.
Raziel: Oh, it's OK, I speak fluent Norswedinavian! They're saying somebody left a pie in the bottom of the box!
Ganesh: A ... pie!
Sariel: ...
Skwisgaar: Whoa, looks at dat!
Toki: Hahahaha, dat's hilarical!
Skwisgaar: I ams not laughed so hard since I ams assemblaged dat Moopflop!
Toki: Ja, dis place ams da riot. Waits untils dey try to gets him outta da boxes!
Sariel: RAZIEL! I don't see any pie in here!
Ganesh: Raziel?
Raziel: Well, maybe I misheard, but look how well the Norvegiawhovians are getting along now!
Pickles: Shud I get da lard?