some old pics

Jan 01, 2005 13:43

me, Jordan, Dean, TJ

Kat and Taba with their haircuts! well Kat's was new.

Us band kids like couches, trampolines, pools, haha.

Sammie! isn't she beautiful!?

i like the edit on this

and this one

this is cool too.

that was taken from my camera phone sophomore year at St.Petersburg, Fla

the Sexy Mama Room!

i like this pic. Robbin and Deanna one morning of band camp. we all had our sleepy faces on.

 Solo & Ensemble. Me and Robbin

the marching band banquet cake. i love the umbrellas!

Beer at the party with the tramploline. it was taken through the net.

some of the lucky few to be on the trampoline.

Paige coming to join us on the trampoline.

Sleepy sleepy? i think not. haha.

Brooks, Elise, Joey, Erin

Brooks, Elise, me

John and Elise, awww

Sara and me

the couch band party. i like the edit, but i didn't do it. Sammie did.

Spinks playin his guitar. haha he's concentrating, his tongue is sticking out.

mom took this from the plane.


Let's say it was cold at the beach.

the beach down the street from dad's.

yea this is kinda old, thanksgiving. but i like it.




i'm going to miss those guys next semester, talking making fun of me. haha it was all worth while.

LB and Stephen at Hooters for his b day

woah this was this summer? maybe right after school?
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