(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 14:11

rather than get placed on a chart, here are my answers, behind the cut:'>

1. The government should subsidize struggling museums, theaters, and artists.

Disagree. I believe in public accessibility to the arts, but not government


2. I am troubled by the eroding distinction between entertainment and marketing.

Irrelevent for purpose of this quiz. However, I agree. I think it's a shame, but it

has no bearing on politic.

3. Protesters cause more good than harm.

Irrelevent for purspose of this quiz. I personally believe that many protests do

little good and they frequently do more to polarize people rather than bring people

together. IMHO they are mainly a "feel good" thing for those already convinced of a

position. Really HUGE protests (rare) are a different story. But most are too small to

be politically active.

4. A person cannot be truly spiritual without regularly attending church or temple.

Disagree, and this shouldn't even be a political issue in the first place.

5. Something like the theory of Natural Selection explains why some people are



6. If countries like France are unwilling to cooperate with our military plans, we

should treat them as enemies.

Not generally, but I can see when there would be situations when this would be


7. I feel guilty when I shop at a large national chain.

Mostly disagree. I would rather shop local, but if they don't provide good enough

service, then fuck'em, I'll order online.

8. Social justice should be the foundation of any economic system.

Irrelevent. First off I'm not certain I know the definition of "social justice," and

second, if it means what I am thinking it is intended to mean, I don't believe there is

such a thing.

9. People shouldn't be allowed to have children they can't provide for.

Worded vaguely, as I think this question IMPLIES more than it says. I believe that

people should have as many kids as they want. But I don't believe that the rest of

society has any moral or legal obligation to make up for their stupidity. Fuck 'em.

10. I would defend my property with lethal force.

Maybe. Again, worded a bit vaguely. Most of my property is not worth using legal

force. Most of ANY property is worth legal force. In that respect, I would most likely

not use lethal force to defend my PROPERTY. I would use leathal force if I had reason

to, however.

11. The world would be better if there were no huge corporations, just small


Disagree. There is a lot to be said for efficiency and pooling both resources and


12. Professional athletes are paid too much money.

Irrelevent. Yes, I think they make too much money. However I don't care, nor do I

think it is a political question. The market pays them. Their fans pay them. Not my

business nor the governments.

13. Tradition is a reliable guide in deciding what's right.

HAHAHAAHAHAHA. Uh, strongly disagree.

14. When I'm talking to someone and I find out they've served in a war, I respect

them more.

Strongly disagree. Unless I know the details of their service and the context in

which they entered into military service, then I can not judge anything.

15. If I'm dating someone I like to know where they are and what they're up to at all


WTF? This is a political question? Maybe If I was Josef M.F. Stalin. Uh, at any

rate, strongly disagree.

16. It bugs me when somebody names their child something like 'Sunshine' or 'Charm'.

Strongly disagree. I mean, hippy names are really dumb and I will make fun of them,

but I really don't care when you get down to it. Name your kid "Velveeta" for all I

care. (And yes, someone did.)

17. Only literate people should be allowed to vote.

I hate to say this, but I agree. On the surface I could say, "no, everyone should be

able to vote." But think of it this way: would you trust just anyone to fix your car or

your stove? Would you trust just anyone to prescribe medicine for you? Then WHY would

you trust just anyone to make decisions about how the nuts & bolts of society is run???

I think that we should be more exclusive in who votes.

18. People raising children have a responsibility to live up to society's standards.

Should be an irrelevent question.

19. The separation of church and state has demoralized our society.

Because church run governments have HISTORICALLY been so moral? Because church going

people are universally moral? Ummm... disagree.

20. The 'Word of God' exists only as human beings interpret it.

Not political and don't make me go all existential on y'all...

21. Blind patriotism is a very bad thing.

Strongly agree.

22. We need stronger laws protecting the environment.

Some may consider it out of character for me, but I strongly agree with this. If we

consider "the environment" to be property of everyone on the planet, then someone has

to manage it in trust for the entire population. As part of this, I believe we need to

take a conservative approach to environmental exploitation and use in order to

guarentee its security for ALL.

23. I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to

prevent crime.

Strongly disagree, and the day they start this is the day I start smashing them.

24. It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel

and fight a Death Match.

Fuck yeah I agree. THIS should be the next step in "reality television."

25. Since parents can't be trusted to monitor what their children watch, TV content

needs to be more regulated.

Strongly disagree. First off, I don't trust regulators of knowledge. Second, you can

not restrict everyone based on the lowest common denominator.

26. If a company invents a pill that cures cancer, they should be allowed to charge

whatever they want for it.

Agree. But it would be nice to live in a world where people thought about more than

getting filthy rich at the cost of other human lives.

27. The fact that many people starve to death is unfortunate but unavoidable.


28. It bothers me that many American companies have moved jobs overseas.

Divided. Yes it bothers me, but I can see the point. It makes US corps money in the

short term, but will hurt the country in the long run.

29. It's wrong when environmental regulation puts people out of work, like when

limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.

Disagree. a) It's more wrong when environmental DEregulation puts even more people

under the threats to their health, safty, and the escalation of further environmental

devestation. b) That's shortsighted. c) This assumes that there is no other possible

employmen, which is not true.

30. Most people are too stupid to know what's best for them.

Agree. But let them make their mistakes. Just don't expect me to bail them out.

31. A person has the right to claim the Holocaust never happened, if that's what he


Agree. They can also say that the earth is flat, the lunar landing was staged, and

there is God that created heaven and earth for all I care.

32. Books with potentially deadly knowledge (like instructions for making awesome

bombs) should be regulated.

I hate to say it, but in extreme cases: yes.

33. Being poor and black is an advantage in getting into college.

Only to those willing to break free of the social and cultural pressures to submit

to largely self-imposed identification as "victim."

34. Eventually, a computer will write the best novel ever written.

Irrelevent. Next question...

35. I should be able to sell my vote for cash if I feel like it.

Didn't somebody write a comic book on this topic?

36. America isn't as free as it thinks it is.

Agree. But we are more free than the hardcore liberals who cry "fascist!" think as


37. Employees should have the right to go on strike without the risk of being

permanently replaced.

Disagree. They should be allowed to strike, but employers should be allowed to

replace them as well.

38. I think the American government should subsidize our small farms.

Depends on the circumstances.

39. The life of one American is worth the lives of several foreigners.

HAHAHAA. Uh, no.

40. A society is only as successful as its least fortunate members.

Disagree. Unless we want to give up on the entire human race. There will ALWAYS be

people who just fuck up in one way or another, or in all ways. There will always be

those who, in spite of all education, all attempts to help them, will still make the

wrong choices. This goes for all cultures. This question reflects a seriously negative

world-view, IMHO.

41. Practical considerations aside, a person who doesn't use many government services

should pay less in taxes.

Agree. But keep in mind the big-picture. Someone without a car still benefits from

the government maintaining roads, for example. Paying for welfare, food stamps, and

other government assistance is cheaper than paying for a larger polics force, higher

insurance rates, etc. (Yes, I AM just that cycnical.)

42. I think everyone has a right to the basic material necessities of life.

Technically disagree. Nobody has any "rights" except what society agrees upon.

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