Homeboy is an amazing cook. I joined an organic food co-op a couple of weeks ago. Homeboy made an amazing bean and leek soup tonight. Mmmmm. Having a boyfriend who can cook is a wonderful thing.
Pants bankrupt, more info to be posted later, yada yada yada.
I've been too busy lately doing stuff to blog, and I'm too tired now to blog about all the stuff I've been doing. Reader's Digest version: Work good but busy, Homeboy good but busy, other social stuff good but busy, etc.
I promise an update in detail at some point in time soon. Some of it will be going into the TMI filter, if that's an enticement.
My pants are bankrupt, as usual. I was busy implementing a new system at work. The system is another story entirely, one that deserves its own post (or series of posts, more likely
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felisdemens, bunnygoth will be here for a month. You are both darkly brilliant, snarktastic, and goth non-poseurs. Also, you both sport fabulously-tinted frequently-transformed tresses that make me remember when I had the guts to do shit like that.
I think we need to all get together and cause some trouble.
Homeboy is salvaging data from the old machine. I love the new machine, though the tiny keyboard will take some getting used to. My pants, sadly, will remain bankrupt. I have been and will continue to be a busy woman.
I picked him up from the airport and took him to dinner. Then I brought him home. We're watching Firefly now. There might have been a gap between getting home and watching Firefly. Maybe.