Hey all. I'm doing a journalism article on college students and long distance relationships, and I was wondering if a few of you would be interested in helping me out by filling this out for me. You can email it all to me at mj232@dana.ucc.nau.edu and I will be SO forever grateful! Thanks!
- Name and age: (whole name if you’re comfortable with that
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Comments 2
Significant other’s name (first is okay)? Dale W.
How long have you been together? will be a year 06-28-2005
How long has it been an LDR? about 6 months
Reason it is long distance? He's in jail
Hardest part about being in an LDR? Missing him and being apart.
Is there a good part about being in an LDR? The letters and occassional phone calls.
How often do you get to talk to your SO? It all depends. I can go visit on any and every Saturday, I get letters every once in a while, and the phone calls usually come once a month.
What do you think about college students and long distance relationships? Does it take away from the ‘college experience’ or add to it at all? How so? I don't see where it would be any different than just a LDR in general. I think that in some ways it would take away a little because the couple is apart and in some cases, that makes things very difficult for one of the people in the relationship.
Any ( ... )
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