We Are In Love

Oct 02, 2005 21:42

1) Name - Reneé
2) S/o's Name - Dennis
3) Age - 16 & 2½ months
4) S/o's Age - 22 & 2½ months
5) Location - Me: London Ontario,Canada - originally from Austin,TX and I go back and forth between here and Cincinnati,Ohio (on hollidays I go stay with him), and he's in Cincinnati,Ohio but comes here every weekend!
6) How long have you been together? - Unofficially just over 7 years, officially almost 2 months.
7) How did you meet? - Via Internet,of course! On a message board. I don't think it's up anymore, though. :/
8) Whens your anniversary? - 10th August, 1998 (unofficial) and 19th August, 2005 (officially). Engagement anniversary - 26th August, 2005. Wedding date - 7th June, 2009.
9) Whats the best thing about being in a relationship? - Knowing that you love somebody, and they love you back just the same. ♥
10) Whats the worst thing about being in a relationship? - Well, ours.. it's the distance, but we'll get there.
11) How would you describe love? - There's no way of describing love. It's something you feel, you can't describe it.
12) Tell us a funny story about you and your s/o. - Oh wow. Uhm. Probably the first time he ever came up to see me. He was 18 I think, and he finally had the car and some money for gas to get up here and back to Ohio, so he decided he'd come.. Anyway, instead of driving towards Canada - he drove the opposite way.. I didn't know he was coming - it was a surprise. So when he got here, he told me, and I sat on the edge of my bed shaking my head and laughing at him. At the time he ning it, he it was too funny, but now just mentioning it, he finds it amusing.
13) How did you find out about this community? - Search -> Interests -> Engagement.
14) Promote us to 1 place and provide us with a link. We do check. [Use one of our banners please] - http://www.livejournal.com/users/_aasshhlleeyy_/103599.html?view=178863#t178863
15) Please post a picture or two of you and your s/o. ^_^ We love pictures here! - I do not have any of us together,I have seperate pictures,though..if you'd like to see, let me know & I'll gladly post them for you!
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