Ahhhhh… as Monday starts, let’s reflect back on the week past, and the weekend past, which was generally made of Win after last week’s shit-pocalypse
So, last week, Monday and Tuesday were blissfully uneventful. Quiet nights, early bedtimes… the promise of MOAR early bedtimes…
Wednesday was good-ish - Was planning on doing a little more cleaning, since I had generally stowed things EVERYWHERE amongst the general debris of our living room and dining room. However, Fish called - which at this point, for him, is rare and amazing - and we decided to take a little adventure. Went to the dog park, and then tried to find him dinner. We ended up at my house making smoothies at 10 p.m., and geeking out on my computer until 11:30. I’m getting to the point where I don’t ever want my friends to leave me. I’m developing some sort of abandonment complex.
Also, found out my uncle was flying in from California at the last minute, so that sort of colored Thursday and Friday. Hung out with them in the evenings, which was their own sort of hell… Granddad is really starting to show signs of memory loss, and Grandma… well, she’s just a bitch sometimes. I love her, but it’s true. My grandma is a bitch.
Mom came home on Friday night, just in time for my aunt’s ex-husband to pass away, so (fair warning: sarcasm ahead) BONUS good times. I stayed with my mom and we talked until 2 am, and then we went out to breakfast with my aunt, who was a little shell shocked, to say the least. (My aunt’s ex was no one’s favorite person - he was an angry drunk, who I think more than anything, died of a broken heart - he loved her to obsession, and she couldn’t love him. She’s also a lesbian, so that works well to her favor.)
Anyway, I went back home and prepped for movie times with Matt… he’s the ginger-haired Brit ex-pat who lives in San Antonio who, up to this point, I could not tell if he was interested in anything more than just hanging out at the pub, playing with his cats, and talking about Doctor Who. We went to see Scott Pilgrim, which was AWESOME. I loved the movie, and anyone who doesn’t can suck it. (Maybe I should do a review, since I actually have coherent thoughts on it… just, now is neither the time nor place.)
Anyway, we went to the movie, then we went to dinner, then we went to the pub, then back to his place… I swear the man took three dates, and almost 12 hours to make a bloody move. But yes, moves were made, and there were good things, and yes. (Further detail unnecessary.)
So slept in Sunday, came back to San Marcos, then did laundry, and then met with Adam and Bradford about the magazine on Sunday night. Things are… moving in a direction. Not good, not bad, just a direction. I got a copy of the demo, and besides a few majorly-minor slip-ups, and the print being too dark, I think it looks amazing… and I don’t even like sports. However, I’m worried about the boys and their relationship with our publisher (who I’ll forever refer to as an incompetent monkey.)
Anyway, weekend was better than last, but still, I need some time off. I am really worried about my back - I want to take a day to take some painkillers (heavy-duty strength) and just zone out on the couch with a heating pad and a smile.