Name: Tilly Munson
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rose_petals Age: 2_? ...... (also known as 24)
Location: Petyr Baelish's chamber (also known as So Cal).
Occupation: Worshiping and following in my master's footsteps. *smirks* I am, afterall, Petyr Baelish's loyal and faithful apprentice, lover, and slave. (also known as... I work at a print shop where I do graphic design and some other stuff and spend the whole time wishing I was reading ASOIAF or worshiping LF instead.... I designed and printed some bookmarks if anyone wants any I'll ship them to you!! :D).
All About You
1. Describe your ideal house/home. Please go into as much detail as possible, and be sure to include your ideal geographical location in the description!.
Geographical Location: Westeros. Petyr's bed.... I don't think you want more details on that one!
Honest: 2-story house, California (I love it here), 4 kids, safe neighborhood, clean, 3 maids (j/k, XD... or actually... sounds nice...), good neighbors... I think this is all pretty standard and boring though, so I'm going to move on. x_x
2. Name three things you are afraid of. Explain.
1) Tyrion
2) Tyrion sex scenes
3) Littlefinger's death
... Oh, you meant IRL? Hehe... (sorry, a quick apology to Tyrion fans... I don't like him. *cries*)
1) The dark. I somestimes hallucinate in the dark... and I have a weird connection to spirits from the other side which makes me freak out sometimes when I'm near a graveyard or something... Oh, btw! Thanks a LOT GRRM..... Now I get see effin' WIGHTS in the dark too!! (it's okay though, your work is amazing enough that I forgive you. *grin*)
2) Commitment. My longest relationship was 5 months... give or take. Before that was 3 months. Before that was about 2 weeks, on and off for about a year and a half. Lol..... It was odd. But when people get close I get scared... Not sure why. :-/ But once you find a way to weasel yourself into my life, I'm one of the most loyal people you could meet and I'm not afraid at all to show it. ♥
3) Pineapples...... They creep me out. *hides*
3. What is your favorite aspect of your physical appearance and why?
My favorite? Geez man... you mean I have to pick just ONE of my many wonderous and flawless physicalities? Very well. My hair. It is healthy beyond reason and looks great with just a simple blow-dry! ... although, I wish it would curl and stay. Stupid hair. Oh! My eyes too. I get compliments on them probably most often. I love the shape and style behind them, but I just can't stand the color... they're... medium brown. x_x I mean, they could at least be DARK brown, ya know? Although I have gotten used to them over the years. *sigh*
4. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would you change and why?
One thing, eh? Actually this is easier. Lol. I would change my nose. It looks weird from the side. XD
5. Imagine you’re given the classic opportunity: a genie granting you three wishes. What would you wish for? Wishing for more wishes is not permitted!
Wish 1) Tyrion's death.
Wish 2) My soulmate.
Wish 3) GRRM to finish these g'dam books!!!!!!!
... okay okay, I'll leave Tyrion alone. :P I'd wish for millions of dollars. :) If I had a lot of money I could help the less fortunate and I could live in peace and help my family to have everything they want and deserve. ♥
6. In your life so far, what accomplishment are you the most proud of? You can list more than one if you have trouble deciding. ;)
Honestly? This may sound weird but.... My best friend. She didn't want to be friends with me in the beginning. But I was persistent and relentless *giggle*), and now she is my very best friend and like a sister to me, and I don't know what I would do without her. So I suppose I'm proudest of that accomplishment because it is the accomplishment that has had the biggest effect on my life. :)
7. Which of the following is most important to you: Love, Money, Knowledge, Family, Friendship, Adventure, or Pleasure? Which is the least important to you?
In this order: Friendship, Adventure, Family, Pleasure, Love, Money, Knowledge. Although, the only reason Friendship is above Family is because I don't believe on the basis of "family" alone that it is that important. I have known some people with some pretty crappy families. My family are my best friends.... so technically they are included when I say "friendship".
8. What's one quote (or passage, song lyric, etc.) that effectively describes you and your values?
"Only Cat." Or actually ANY line that LF has said in ANY of the four books thus far. I love every single one of them and they describe my values. XDD...... But other than that...
This is the quote that I think of most often... It is the theme to my favorite anime and manga (Gravitation). It's a bit jumbled in translation, but if you can get through that it's really powerful........
"Never Resign Yourself to Fate,
Even if Cry and Anger,
It's so Powerful you can't Resist,
Unfair but feel top Pleasure,
The Law of Love."
I try to live by that and remember it always. Sometimes I forget it... and I begin to resign myself to the fate that life has handed me. Then I get so upset at it all that I start to cry... and I get angry and frustrated.... But in the end I remember that Love is the most powerful thing in the world. And that it can be even stronger than that of fate. That sometimes we just need to reach inside of ourselves to find the true meaning of life and love ... for each our own individual lives. To understand what it means for each of us. Because we are all different. And even if it may seem unfair sometimes... it's the most wonderful and pleasureful experience in the world to accept and feel love.
I also really like this song a lot... It's called "Someday" by "All 4 One" and was featured on Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".
Someday when we are wiser,
When the world's older,
When we have learned.
I pray someday we may yet live to live and let live.
Someday life will be fairer,
Need will be rarer
Greed will not pay.
God speed this bright millennium on its way.
Let it come someday.
Someday our fight will be won then,
We'll stand in the sun then,
That bright afternoon.
Till then, on days when the sun is gone,
We'll hang on,
Wish upon the moon.
Change will come one day,
Someday soon.
I guess it just gives me hope that things are getting better all the time. It reminds me that we are all the same. That we all want what's best for everyone... even if some of us have lost our way. And that we all just need to come together and fight for a better world.
(and thus ends my extremely sentimental side.... I hope.... I like playing more than being serious, but I guess that should be in here somewhere too, right? *smiles* After all, it is a hugely important and inspirational part of my life....)
9. How do you manage your money? On that note, how important is money/financial security to you?
Ummmmmmmmmm............. Hehe. I let Petyr handle all of that for me. *wide smile*
... okay, I suck. *cries* I try to save money, but I buy things for other people because I want them to have more than me and then I end up screwed. Lol. All well. It'll all be better someday when I find a master-minded financial man with billions of dollars at his expense and marry him.
*smiles again*
10. Name (and elaborate on) some of your hobbies. What are your favorite things to do outside of school/the office?
Reading ASOIAF (obviously) is one of them. :) Yay! Other than that, I love to play video games, read manga, watch anime, watch sit-coms on dvd, spend money.... worry about money... (not really a hobby but I do it all the time, so why not. XD). I love running and playing basketball and tennis, as well as other outdoor sports. Not that I have much time to do them though... since honestly I'd rather be inside where I'm comfortable and playing a multi-player video game with people. *smile*. OH! One thing you should know about me is that I can't stand being alone. So, anything that I do enjoy 98% of the time involves other people. :) I REALLY love to write stories and draw pictures. I draw my characters sometimes (I've got about 12 main characters that I Role-play and write about and draw). I love to eat candy and chocolates and cookies.... I could live on cookies.... Yes, I guess I will count cookies as a hobby. *wide smiles again*
OMG I FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT HOBBY OF ALL!!!!! ----- Worshiping and admiring Littlefinger. (on the side I sometimes enjoy plotting Tyrion's death too... but that's another story. *wink*)
11. Name (and elaborate on) your top three BEST and top three WORST qualities (personality-related, not physical).
1) Loyal. I am fiercely loyal to those who have already worked their way into my heart. I will never turn my back on someone who I consider a loved one... However, if you harm someone who I consider a loved one, ranked higher than you, I will not hesitate to turn against you. To those who I consider my loved ones, I would go to the ends of the earth and back for them. For they are my most precious gifts in this world. And the people who keep me sane. *smiles* ... or at least as close to it as they can. XD
2) Open-minded. I am very accepting of most people. If it is something that goes against a moral concern of mine, I will usually try my hardest to at least hear out the other person's side, and usually will take a long time to decide whether or not to adjust myself accordingly.
3) Friendly. I make friends really easily. And although I am afraid of them getting too close, I will not hesitate to do the initial reaching out. Once it reaches a point, I retreat back to my den and hide from them unless they've successfully broken down my barriers. I'm a really good person to have around if there's someone that nobody likes too, because I can make friends with even people that I hate and despise. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer sort of thing. *wink*
1) Needy. As I've mentioned before, I am a very loyal person, but I also have a strong sense of fear surrounding the people who are in a gray area. If you have been in my life long enough for me to have accepted that you will never leave me (could take SEVERAL years...), then you would not be considered to be a part of this. However, for those who have not reached that status, I am constantly paranoid of them leaving me, or changing their mind about me, or secretly not liking me. (I also have a weird fear that everyone can read my mind, but that too is another story...). Those who are in my close-knit bubble of loved ones, I constantly fear that I have let them down, or that they would be better off if I wasn't a bother, or that I am not doing enough for them. I need constant reassurement from them that I've done a good job, or that they love me, or that they need me. I fear dissappointing those around me more than anything else in the whole world.... Oh. I should have mentioned that up above instead of the pineapples, huh? Oh well... those things still freak me out....
2) Relentless. Once I get something in my head, I pretty much try to carry it out. The only thing that I really fail at in this area is related to time. No matter how many commitments I make to being on time... I end up staying up way past my bedtime and seeking the comfort of my warm bed in the morning. Lol. But! Other than that... I usually set myself up to finish something that I've started. If I have an idea in my head, I will not rest until it has been heard and acknowledged in its entirety.
3) Secretive. Not so much about myself in general (like my favorite foods, etc), because I am an open book about surfacey things like that. However, when it gets down to it... talking about myself makes me really uncomfortable. I don't know why... Perhaps because as a child my mother constantly told me all about how selfish I was and how I always talked about myself and didn't care about anyone else. *shrug* But whatever it is, I just can't bring myself to talk about serious issues with anyone... not even those closest to me. It's been a problem in most of my relationships, but I can't seem to break the habit of closing up when asked about something like "what's wrong", or "why do you think that" or "what happened". I guess I just feel like every time I talk about myself that I'm just wasting the other person's time. I mean... I already know what I think. I want to know what they think. XD I guess they probably feel similar though, huh.........?
A Song of Ice and Fire Related
1.Which is your favorite book of the series so far? What about your least favorite?
My favorite book? Hmmm... I actually really liked the first one. :) Although there are a bunch of parts in the other books that I really enjoy. But... I miss Viserys. (*waits to be smacked*). Lol. I really attached to him for some reason. My only relief was meeting Littlefinger. And then I got really attached to his and Ned's relationship. XD .... But we all know how THAT ended. Hehe. Oh~ How I love Littlefinger. Hehe. Although... pushing Lysa out the Moon Door? Hehe. Almost enough to make that my favorite book. :) But I think I'll stick with the "setup" volume. Plus, there were 5 wolves in that one. :P
My least favorite book - Book 5. It needs to friggen come out already..... *glares*
2.Who are your favorite three characters in the series?
1) Littlefinger - duh. :P
2) Sansa (Alayne) - Because she's so freaking cute and sweet and I love her. ♥
3) Petyr Baelsih - Because he's just so awesome he deserves to be on there twice. :D
3.Who are your least favorite three characters in the series?
1) Tyrion - Sorry Tyrion-lovers. He creeps me out even more than pineapples. *hides*
2) Dany - She just bugs me a lot for some reason....
3) Stannis - Because that was just fucked up..... *glare*
4.#1 Favorite moment in all of ASOIAF so far?
That time when Renly and Loras "prayed together" and GRRM went into explicit detail..... oh wait, that DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!! *grrrrrrr*
That time when Littlefinger killed Tyrion! ... oh wait... nope, STILL didn't happen either! *cries*
That time when Ned came back from the dead and was like, "Look! I didn't really die!" .... Nope, wrong again.
That time when Littlefinger took over the world and accepted me as his concubine----- oh................. um, anyway....
That time when Viserys kicked Drogo's fricken' butt..... again... yeah..... nevermind.....
That time when...... I think you get the point.......................................................
Honestly? Hmmm... there are so many~........ The entire chapter where Petyr shoves that fat cow out the Moon Door. I suppose that wins. There were a few lines in the story that I thought were just legendary and amazing... but they weren't really long parts. Although the question asks for a "moment".... but I think the best moment I can think of is when LF killed Tyrion and since that didn't happen I guess I'm screwed. *sigh*
5. In your dream-world, how would you like to see the series end?
In my dream-world~ Tyrion would be killed by LF (who of course covers and his tracks and can't be blamed). Then LF would take over all of Westeros (of course giving it to the rightful owner Sansa *wink*), and would help "guide" her for the rest of their lives. Yay. Oh and I kind of want Jon Snow to randomly find out the truth of his parents right in the very last chapter, as he's lying on his death bed breathing his last breath of air. It'll be like: Jon: "What? You say my real mother was................." Littlefinger: "Yes. It's true." Jon: "But how do you know that?" Littlefinger: "I have my ways." Jon: "But..." Littlefinger: "Silence now. You're joining the rest of your family.... except for Sansa of course. She will stay here with me. *smile*" Jon: "What? With you?" *LF smirks as Jon realizes LF intentions, and then Jon dies* -- The end! :D
Oh, and there were no apps for me to vote on so I didn't. ;_; But if one comes up I swear to vote!!! *hugs teh generous mods for reading all of this and accepting me into their humble abode* :D Yay!