Who: Rinoa
timberowl_angel, and Squall
steelandsilenceWhat: Rinoa's turned into a zombie! Oh no!
Where: Balamb Garden's infirmary.
When: Today
Why: We felt like it!
Note: Unless you're character was at Balamb Garden's infirmary for some reason, which I highly doubt, they saw NOTHING!
Rinoa walked through Garden, a smile on her face as her craving for brains increased. She remembered Squall mentioning that he was headed towards the infirmary, and was sure that was where she would find him. She watched as both SeeD's and zombies fought each other. If she had not been craving a specific brain at that moment, she herself would be out there gorging on the brains of the other SeeD's.
Squall, on the other hand, was not entirely amused. Sure, he'd made it to the infirmary - more or less - but the fact that Rinoa of all people had gotten herself turned into a zombie wasn't exactly making him the happiest camper in the world. But he was willing to risk his brain in order to keep her from joining the other zombies. He didn't want anyone to accidentally kill her, after all.
Rinoa walked into the infirmary. Her zombie mind seemed to be taking over more and more, and now the only thing that seemed to be left was her need for Squall. She spotted him quickly, and her smile widened. It still looked like her smile, but at the same time, it was different. It was darker, and less kind then usual. "Hello Squall." She said, her voice showing her amusement in everything going on.
"Hey," Squall answered, doing his best to at least seem if not cheerful than like his usual self despite the weight that hung heavy on his heart. He should've been there to keep Rinoa safe, should've gone to find her first before coming here. But he was doing his best to keep that out of his mind as best he could. He wouldn't get very many chances at what he had in mind, to say nothing of the fact that he had no idea if it was going to work. But for her sake as well as the sake of any others who might end up affected in the same way he was willing to try. He... was just going to wait for her to get a little closer first - Esuna didn't have the greatest range after all.
Rinoa walked closer to him. The craving for his brain strong in her mind. She showed no indication that she thought something was wrong.
Truth be told, Squall would have been rather surprised if she'd shown any indication that she thought anything was wrong. None of the others had. But there was no time like the present, and so with a sigh he cast an Esuna at Rinoa. Now to hope it actually worked...
Unfortunatly for Squall, the spell reflected back to him, and Rinoa stopped in her tracks, now aware of what he was up to. She smiled at him more. "You didn't think that I would come unprotected, did you? I know better then that." Despite her being a zombie, Rinoa's magic was still perfectly intact.
Well, no he hadn't expected her to come unprotected, but he'd hoped. Zombies were easier to deal with when they weren't Sorceresses as well. And since he didn't have any Dispel stocked, he'd have to find another way to deal with the problem. "I didn't want to have to hurt you."
"You don't have to hurt me. Just let me eat your brain." She gave him a kinder smile. The smile that she knew was only meant for him.
Try as he might, Squall couldn't help but wincing internally at the smile Rinoa gave him. He'd only said she could have his brain to get her to come here and not join the others, not because he had a deathwish. "I can't," he answered. "Just let me fix this."
Rinoa frowned at his answer. "Then I guess I'll have to do this a different way." She casts Blind on Squall, hoping it will give her the upper hand should the spell succeed. She didn't want to use some of her more powerful spells in case they should damage the brain.
Luckily enough for Squall at least, the spell didn't succeed. However the fact that Rinoa was willing to cast the spell on him had him drawing Lionheart with a sigh. He knew there was an item that could cure zombification and it probably wouldn't reflect back like Esuna had, but he couldn't quite remember what it was, much less if he had any. Which meant it was time to stall, oh joy.
Rinoa was quick, casting one spell after the other. Break, Sleep, Slow, Stop. All of them were spells that would not damage Squall.
None of them hit. Squall had long since gotten in the habit of making sure he was less susceptible to that sort of spell after one too many encounters with malboros. Of course, even with that it wasn't precisely the best situation for trying to remember something. On the other hand, Reflect did have a tendency to wear off after a while so maybe, just maybe...
A slight nod to himself, and then he tried Esuna once again.
It hit, and a the zombie type frown that Rinoa had been wearing not long ago switched to a face of confusion. She stared at Squall until realization hit her. She remembered what she had been doing, and what she had been thinking. She couldn't believe that it had actually happened. She backed up until she felt her back touch the wall, and then slid down to the floor as she placed her arms around her knees to hug them to her chest. She knew she had just been attacking Squall, she had wanted to eat his brain, she had wanted to hurt him, and to her, that was unforgivable. She wanted to apologize for her actions, but was unable to speak.
Squall sighed as the spell took hold, returning Lionheart to its place on his back. That took care of least the zombie part. The rest, well, he could forgive Rinoa for trying to hurt him even if her becoming a zombie hadn't been easy on him either and so he moved to take her in his arms. It was more than likely a little awkward given that he was still getting used to the concept of this sort of thing and still had Lionheart strapped to his back, but perhaps the gesture was enough all the same.
Rinoa let Squall take her. Despite what she had done, she was glad he was there right now. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled, the guilt slightly showing in her voice. "...I'm so sorry..."
"I should have been there for you," Squall answered. If he'd been there maybe none of this would have happened. It wasn't her fault, it was his.
She shook her head. "You can't always be there, Squall. You're the commander, and everyone around here depends on you. I know that." She didn't want Squall blaming himself for this when it was her fault for not paying attention. For not being more careful.
There's was a slow nod at that. He couldn't deny that what she'd said was the truth, even if he hadn't asked to end up being the commander of the Garden. He wouldn't have nominated himself for the position. "I know, but..."
This makes Rinoa snap back from her own little guilt trip. "No buts! Everyone around here needs you, and you've got to be here for them."
Ah, the joys of responsibility. And for a whole Garden nonetheless. Fun. "Right. Do you think you can manage things here?" There were probably other places that needed him more, especially now that they'd figured out how to deal with the infected.
She nodded with a smile. "I can handle it."
There was a nod and a smile from Squall at that. "I should go see where else needs a hand then. Just... don't let anymore of them bite you?"
Seeing Squall smile made her put on a bigger smile. "I'll be more careful. Promise."
"Thanks." And with one last smile he turns to head on out to the rest of the Garden. Back into the rest of the mess, oh joy.