I am in a grossly melodramatic mood that is not suitable for homework-ing. When I write I like to use words that do not take themselves too seriously in context. That way I can trivialize what I'm saying even though I'm completely serious.
Find me someone who
Has the whitest of white and straightest of straight teeth,
But smokes only the finest imported cigarettes.
Speaks in perfect iambic pentameter
To balance my flawed circadian rhythm.
Has acquired strictly vegan, orthorexic eating habits,
Yet will laze in bed dusting the sheets in a healthy layer of crumbs.
Wants to argue cross culture, transatlantic points and counterpoints
Because it makes a tongue lashing that much better.
Pretends to pretend to be exactly who they are
To keep their life in measured disarray and observers always observing.
Pulls with as much gravitational force as a black hole,
But outshines the sun while keeping dangerous solar flares at bay.
Find me love.
Find me, love.
Love, find me.
Found you, love.
I'd rather be in love than in school.
Why? Because I am an idiot.