Wednesday morning 12th May 2010.
Sooo last year, on the next day after
visiting Calton Hill during the afternoon,
we had the morning to visit the Castle :)
We first went there without fursuit to visit.
parked downhill and climbed by foot.
Getting there..
Finally !
From there you really have a nice view all around.
Always with kats inside to spoil the photo though ;)
Ahhh break in the sun, brrrrr colllddd, need my fur !
There are quite a few things and museums to visit inside and all
I'm not much into history myself, but was still nice to tour around.
Many more piccies of the museum there if you like by Vector : ![](
Meerkat toys ;)
Hey, been there yesterday, Calton Hill !
It's quite interesting, as there's snow quite close too !
and there's water too !
After that, Junkvist and I were mostly done, and since we had about 1 hour left as Vector still wanted to tour the Castle, we thought we'd try to get fuzzy. ;)
We get out of the Castle and before coming back fuzzy we ask if we can come back,
but well... bad thing is that if you exit the castle, you cannot come back without paying again for the ticket...
Not really worth it, the time to go down then back up in suit, that'd leave for maybe 15 minutes in the castle.
Ah well, been to numerous castles in suit, we'll survive. ;)
We head down to the car.
And since we go check through the Princess street gardens, it looks really nice for a quickie outing :P
Need fuzzy time ! ;)
To be continued...