Wasn't yesterday a beautiful day in fandom?
::wipes tear::
Here are all of our fic contest entries gathered into one spot for easy reference and voting. This poll will be open for one week, with voting closing on June 20, and reminders will be occasionally posted. The fic are broken down into challenge category and are listed in order of posting on
time_and_chips. Take a few minutes to vote, but more importantly, take a few minutes and leave feedback for the fabulous authors who participated. Feedback is love, people!
NOTE: The DWRP is being conducted by, and is intended for, a mature audience. It is not work, child or modesty-safe.
Poll Doctor Who Research Project Fic Contest (I have double and triple checked this list but if I have forgotten anyone or any of the links go wonky, leave a comment and I will ammend).
ATTN: A new fic has been added to category three - "Sweet Like Chocolate" by mrs_remus ..however LJ is being a bitca and will not allow me to add another poll to continue voting. If you'd like to vote for
"Sweet Like Chocolate" by mrs_remus please leave a comment (annonymous is fine if you want to hide your identity) until we cope with this technical difficult. Our apologies to