Title: Morphée
Author: nocookiesjustbooks
2nd2ndaltoPairing/Characters: Ten II/Rose
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: BBC owns everything, obviously.
Author's Notes: One more variation on
karenor’s theme. 100 words in MS Word.
He dreams, now.
Swashbuckling adventures with labyrinthine storylines. Remembrances of aliens past and fantastic creations of his new-new subconscious. He dreams in technicolor, surround sound.
Eyes wide with wonder, he tells her every detail. Whispered stories in dusky dawn hours while they’re still drowsy and warm and tangled together in a heap of pillows and down. His breath on her skin, her arms tight around him.
There are bad dreams too. But this new human life is worth the monsters. Belly to belly or curled against each other, they drift into unconsciousness hand in hand, run from his nightmares together.