Uh, right. I have made some Friends Only banners for my FO post-in-the-making, and I need opinions on the tiny details on which to actually use.
Uhg, the more I look at them the more I start to dislike them.
Also, I made a little...manip. And, I'm slightly afraid to post it. Because one, it is lulzworthy on the verge of public embarrassment, and two, WTF I don't want it...going around. Hahaha whatever whatever. I'll post it friends only once I've got everything settled, but you guys are going to lul your brains onto the floor with this one, so just a heads up. I used my mondo photoshop skillz to good use on it, JSYK.
I feel the need to post these two beautiful, large, hi-res photos of Skandar for some reason...
*sigh* I've run out of words for this boys' wonderment. He seriously just does me in. Weak in the knees. Need a cold shower. All of it baby, all of it.
Many people seem to be having quite a lot of Skandar dreams (that I am totally jealous of). I've had only one before, but don't remember it too well. It was one of those early morning ones, where you're supposed to be getting up for school/work but instead go back to sleep and dream many REM-ly vivid things. Something along those lines happened, but fuck me for not having a clue what happened in it.
LASTLY, who has that BINBONS song by Hyrise or what have you that they can send me? I am in need of it, it calls out to my soul (and it's stuck in my head).
NVRMND. N_D already has that shit posted! GO GO DAZZLE SOUNDTRACK.