Your Neighbor

Nov 27, 2005 17:04

so basically i've been radio depressed ever since howard got viciously sliced and diced by my new corporate enemies...jack fm. to make things better for the time being, i now listen to 107.7 the end streamed live!! yay for seattle radio. i mean yeah kexp is cool (for all you nifty ipod radioers) but sometimes they play crazy ass shit. so to stay constant and happy i rely on my seattle goodness whenever i'm on the computadora...which is often. just sad i can't somehow translate it to the car...oh well.

ANYWAY. i'm sorry i rant so much about such a minuscule thing as the RADIO. in other news, thanksgiving was a blast. london made it all, which was delicious. we got a fresh turkey...whatever that means, anyway it was fucking great, best turkey i have EVER had. and we had ham, and many can tell you, i cannot stand the taste, smell or sound of ham, but my dear god, best ham ever. i ate as much ham as i did turkey. oh oh oh and the pie was MAGNIFICENT. pumpkin filling with gahram cracker/pecan crust....yeah...I KNOW.

anyway enough about food. i've been really happy from this trip because not only did i gain a random fifty bucks from good ol' pops, but certain developments in my father's personal life have perked up for the whole family's advantage (well everyone except i also got to go sailing right before i flew home with the always entertaining todd and charlie...oh man i love them so.

ummmm i finally saw harry potter with leo, such a blast. loved it, loved it, loved it. i was really excited for that movie and i still am so....good stuff on harry potter movie makers part. i also saw "Good Night and Good Luck" which was fabulous. it has all this real footage from the fifties, and theres this one part where they show McCarthy giving some rebuttal/speach broadcast, and you totally forget it's actual footage. you seriously ask yourself who is playing McCarthy.  and on a sidenote i watched The Matrix again on a rainy day. wow. i forgot how incredibly awesome that movie is.

guille is leaving really soon. REALLY sad. i'll be so sad to see him go. but he's so excited its hard to be excruiatingly sad.

what a cutie pie.
for all who wish to make fun of/laugh at/friend and then make fun of my little brothers MYSPACE (yeah you read right) go right on ahead.

i feel so unaware of everything, as if i'm barely staying afloat in this sea of college/my future madness. even my father is getting frustrated at my ignorance of absolutely everything (when i take SAT's, if i'll be taking some SAT course, what colleges i'm interested in, if i want to study dance, what scholarships i'm thinking of applying for, what i want for christmas, etc.)

so basically i'm in the exact same state i was four months ago...superb.

just noticed this photo (while being of great quality and humor, notice shemsa hiding behing plastic champagne cup) has only my true lj friends...awww. i love you all, dear ljers
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