Characters: Edea Kramer and Rinoa Heartilly
Status: Incomplete
Location: 'Borrowed' Airship - Dining Room
Date/Time: 6th Aug 2498 - Around Noon
Summary: Edea heads to the eating area for a snack during lunchtime, hoping to run into another certain sorceress.
Warning: None
Edea was glad to have everything back on track. They had finally all been able to exchange information face-to-face and to get to know some of their allies better on a more personal basis, and this put the sorceress at ease. It was true that they had a lot to try to accomplish, but being on the same page was going to help with that. In addition, they could now focus on creating that base they had been talking about. Hopefully they would reach Junon soon and get to work on that as well.
In the meantime, however, it was lunch time, and Edea hadn't eaten much since leaving Costa del Sol to do battle with Aetas. Eating as a bird had been difficult and the sorceress had found herself somewhat malnourished when she'd returned to being human. Heading down to the dining area, Edea found some pieces of fresh fruit and decided that would make a adequate lunch. Sitting down was a delicious looking peach, Edea made quick work of the plump fruit.
When she had finished, Matron decided to spend a bit of time here, wondering if perhaps another of her children or friends would wander in to find something to eat. In particular, she thought it prudent to speak to Rinoa. They had a lot of things to discuss, but Edea also wondered how she was faring as a sorceress. There were some things that no one other than anothe sorceress could truly understand regarding the trials of being a descendant of Hyne, and Edea thought that the very least she could do was listen and help her though this hard time.