Title: The Afterlife is So Overrated (3/?)
Rating: PG-13 in this chapter, for cursing and ‘religious themes’, namely a fictional view of the afterlife, Crackfic
Character/Pairing: Simm!Master, Tenth Doctor
Word length: 1,605 in this chapter
Spoiler: A/U after End of Time, Part Two
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its characters belong to the BBC, not to
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Comments 16
Thank you for your comment ^^
I loved the Master's little interaction with Wilf, that was so hilarious! You really captured their characters so well. This bit made me laugh even more:
“Yes, me. Relax, I’m not here to maim and kill. I need to find the Doctor; do you have some way of contacting him?”
“Erm... well, yeah, I just go in the backyard...” Wilf replied a little sheepish.
The Master blinked “What?”
“He’s in his blue box but it’s been standing there for over an hour now, since we got back...”
Then it clicked “Ooh... right. He’s having an angstfest.”
And, I was so happy when the Master and the Doctor actually met up! The little hug of the Doctor's was just so sweet! And, the Master slapping him to get his attention was brilliant! You go them so spot on. Thanks again, for another wonderful update. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :)
And I'm happy you liked that ^^ poor old Wilf. He's awesome though.
Your icon fits well =P I think the Master is quite aware it's really the only way to make the Doctor shut up in the midst of a rant. The guy doesn't stop to breathe, with Time Lord anatomy and all.
Thank you so much =D
Thank you =)
Thanks =)
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