Title: New Frontier - Chapter 2: Shock Wave
Rating: R/NC-17 - Red Cortina for character death and gory death-details
Pairing: Gen - none in this chapter
Word Count: 1,871
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of this, just fanwork
Notes: Based on a roleplay plot I came up with and subsequently roleplayed with
moonclaw See the description in chapter 1 for
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Comments 2
“Can you buy those?” Gene raised an eyebrow looking back at Sam, then nodded “Yeah, one of those.”
XD THAT LINE!!!! <333
This is brilliant, as always! Psycho Sam is CREEPY O_O And Jack Harkness!!! <3333 It's brilliant! :D Can't wait for the next part!
I'm wondering what will turn out to be Sam's secret power. Something to do with brains? Or can he really appear in people's dreams, just like the TCG?
And he had better be careful around Annie if he doesn't want to be caught out! Those empaths are dangerous like that.
ETA Ooh, I get it! I know what Sam's power is. Very clever, I like it! Hopefully you'll post the new installment soon!
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